Consultancy for Air Traffic Management Business
AirNav Ireland is looking to establish a consultancy framework with a view to accessing consultancy services on areas of relevance to AirNav Ireland’s current and future Air Traffic Management business AirNav Ireland is looking to establish a consultancy framework with a view to accessing consultancy services on areas of relevance …
CPV: 63731000 Usługi w zakresie eksploatacji lotnisk, 63732000 Usługi kontroli lotów, 73120000 Usługi eksperymentalno-rozwojowe, 73220000 Usługi doradcze w zakresie rozwoju
All-Curved-Mirror Large-Mode Enhancement Optical Cavity
ELI-NP is currently undergoing the implementation and construction of the gamma beam system. This system will deliver quasi-monochromatic gamma beams, with energies up to 19.5 MeV and characteristics such as low bandwidth (≤ 0.5%), high spectral density (≥ 5× photons / s / eV) and high degree of linear polarization …
CPV: 38636000 Specjalistyczne przyrządy optyczne, 73120000 Usługi eksperymentalno-rozwojowe, 79930000 Specjalne usługi projektowe