The contracting authority is the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority. Arbeidstilsynet (The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority) is a governmental agency under Arbeids- og inkluderingsdepartementet (the Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion), focused on occupational safety and health. The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority consists of a directorate and an outer department with …
Obiectul contractului il reprezinta prestarea serviciilor de Asistență tehnică pentru pregătirea aplicației de finanțare și a documentațiilor de atribuire pentru „Proiectul Regional de Dezvoltare a Infrastructurii de apă și apă uzată din Județul Tulcea în perioada 2021-2027” NOTA: - Numarul de zile până la care Operatorii economici interesati pot solicita …
Négociations foncières et assistance administrative et juridique à la maîtrise foncière Le marché est un accord-cadre à bons de commande, mono-attributaire, pour les montants suivants : - montant minimum sur la durée totale de l'accord-cadre : / - montant maximum sur la durée totale de l'accord-cadre : 1 500 000,00 …
Sustainable Public Procurement Helpdesk for EU-Institutions and -Bodies Sustainable Public Procurement Helpdesk for EU-Institutions and -Bodies
The purpose of this tender is to purchase support services for public authorities wishing to establish public procurement of innovation initiatives in a form of innovation procurement hubs. Through this service, public administrations who want to implement a variation of an innovation procurement hub (or even experiment in launching an …
La consultation concerne la réalisation de prestations foncières rendues nécessaires dans le cadre de l'exercice des missions assurées par le SYMBHI. Ces prestations peuvent être engagées dans le cadre de la réalisation de travaux liés à la mise en oeuvre de la GEMAPI ou en réponse à certaines obligations réglementaires …
Välkommen att lämna anbud i upphandlingen avseende ett ramavtal för upphandlingskonsulter. Se UD. Se UD Se UD Se UD
Predmet javnega naročila je izbira krovnega koordinatorja na projektih programa TA ELENA, ki je razdeljen na 2 sklopa: – Sklop 1: Projekt »Green energy programme of Ljubljana Region« (v nadaljevanju: Sklop 1 ali Elena Green Region), katerega vodi vodilni partner projekta Mestna občina Ljubljana, in – Sklop 2: Projekt »Green …
The Contracting Authority proposes to engage in a competitive process for the award of a contract for procurement consultancy services incorporating the (a) development, design and delivery of an innovative and comprehensive inhouse procurement training programme tailored to the needs of the organisation and (b) procurement advisory services. The EPA …
The main objective of this procurement is to cover DSS' need for procurement assistance. Assistance is wanted from one or several consultants for operative implementation of procurement processes for long and short periods to help increase the amount of cases, undermanning, long term absences etc. The same resources are wanted …