3.1. Przedmiotem zamówienia jest zaangażowanie 2 Ekspertów / Konsultantów w dziedzinie medycyny rodzinnej lub pediatrii lub chorób wewnętrznych (lekarzy POZ) ds. wizytatorów, standardów akredytacyjnych z zakresu podstawowej opieki zdrowotnej, przeglądów akredytacyjnych, raportów oraz procedury odwoławczej, którzy swoją wiedzą i doświadczeniem będą wspierać pracowników merytorycznych CMJ. 3.2.W zakres zadań Eksperta/Konsultanta wchodzą …
La consultation a pour objet de sélectionner des partenaires développement qui auront vocation à intervenir dans le cadre du dispositif « Objectif compétences ». Il s'agit d'un dispositif créé par ARDAN Centre-Val de Loire, association régie par la loi du 1er juillet 1901. Ce dispositif permet aux opérateurs économiques, porteurs …
IDA Ireland are seeking tenders for the supply and implementation of a Human Resource Management System (HRMS) Solution on a software as a service basis (SaaS), together with ongoing support and maintenance. IDA Ireland is using the postbox facility on eTenders, and tender responses must be submitted electronically via the …
Upphandlingen avser konsulter för analys och utveckling av den värdebaserade prissättningen samt utvärdering av läkemedel och medicintekniska produkter. Upphandlingen avser konsulter för analys och utveckling av den värdebaserade prissättningen samt utvärdering av läkemedel och medicintekniska produkter.
Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council currently have a requirement for SEUPB, Peace Plus funded programmes, council seeks tenders from suitably qualified companies/individuals for the following programmes: CCD5- Contemplating The Past, Dealing with the Future £226,807 BPTC6 - Youth Engagement Programme £231,772 LCRT2 - Cross Boarder Programme£171,013 CCD4 - The …
bando di gara per la selezione, mediante Procedura Competitiva Aperta, di un Organismo di esecuzione incaricato della realizzazione delle azioni (attività/iniziative) rivolte al raggiungimento degli obiettivi previsti nell'ambito del Programma presentato a valere sul Regolamento UE n. 1144/2014 del Parlamento Europeo e del Consiglio - Call 2024 e che, si …
Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council currently have a requirement for SEUPB, Peace Plus funded programmes, council seeks tenders from suitably qualified companies/individuals for the following programmes: CCD5- Contemplating The Past, Dealing with the Future £100,000 BPTC6 - Youth Engagement Programme £100,000 LCRT2 - Cross Boarder Programme£80,000 CCD4 - The …
GKI (Grenlandkommunenes Innkjøpsenhet) intends, on behalf of the Grenland Cooperation, to procure an agreement for entrepreneur guidance, in order to further develop and strengthen the total guidance offer regarding establishing services in the Grenland municipalities. GKI (Grenlandkommunenes Innkjøpsenhet) intends, on behalf of the Grenland Cooperation, to procure an agreement for …
Konnekt (The National Centre for Transport competence) shall be the driving force for the transport sector to cover the need for relevant and competent labour. Konnekt's main task is to have good insight and facts about the transport sector with the accompanying competence needs and educations. In total, defined as …
Asesoramiento y apoyo en destino a las empresas de la Comunitat Valenciana para su internacionalización en México Asesoramiento y apoyo en destino a las empresas de la Comunitat Valenciana para su internacionalización en México