Předmětem veřejné zakázky je uzavření rámcové dohody na rozvoj a údržbu softwaru pro obnovu katastrálního operátu, provádění revize údajů katastru nemovitostí a tvorbu neměřických záznamů a geometrických plánů v letech 2025 až 2028. Předmětem veřejné zakázky je uzavření rámcové dohody na rozvoj a údržbu softwaru pro obnovu katastrálního operátu, provádění …
Hosting, beheer, support en (door)ontwikkeling van de applicatie Veiligheidsbeeld van het NIPV. De maximale waarde van de raamovereenkomst is €1.200.000,- Hosting, beheer, support en doorontwikkeling Applicatie Veiligheidsbeeld Maximaal € 1.200.000,- excl btw
Ruter AS and TET Digital AS shall procure a new HR system. There is a need for a new HR system that shall contribute to the contracting authority reaching set strategic targets. The procurement shall collect master data, support HR processes and provide insight through good (to a large degree) …
The rapid development of pan-European regulations has resulted in extensive reporting requirements for the financial industry and requires considerable resources in the various institutions. A significant part of the reporting is in XBRL format. Finanstilsynet expects the reporting volume to continue to increase in the years ahead. This will entail …
The objective of the procurement is to enter into a procurement contract for new licences for Micro Focus Asset Manager version 9.8 or newer and an accompanying maintenance contract for the same product, for Helse Nord IKT. The contract is for the delivery of licences and an option for licences. …
GE2412 - Servizi di gestione e consulenza su tecnologia ERP Dynamics 365 GE2412 - Servizi di gestione e consulenza su tecnologia ERP Dynamics 365
Zweck dieses Beschaffungsverfahrens ist die Erhöhung der Obergrenze der nach dem offenen Verfahren vergebenen Rahmenverträge EMA/2019/18/IT, Auftragsbekanntmachung 2019/S 248-611281 für die Erbringung von Dienstleistungen auf Zeit- und Mittelbasis, angegebener Zeit und Mittel oder Festpreisbasis, die es der Agentur ermöglichen, Ressourcen zu erwerben, die nicht direkt von der Agentur im Bereich …
kompleksitet af cybertrusler, f.eks. ransomware, som nødvendiggør et robust cyberforsvar. I tilfælde af komplekse cyberangreb ønskes adgang til at sikre den nødvendige viden og de påkrævede ressourcer til at hånd-tere angrebet hensigtsmæssigt. Formålet er at styrke evnen til at reagere på komplekse cyberangreb. Aftalen har både honorering efter fast pris …
Provision of works and services related to banknote perceptual experience and counterfreit discriminiation - 3 Lots: Lot 1: Biometrics (visual), Lot 2: Predictive perception (visual), Lot 3: Predictive perception software Biometrics-assisted perception studies including the continuous review and improvement of the methodology, using sample sets provided by the ECB Predictive …
The purpose of the tender is to enter into one or more framework agreements to meet the Customer’s needs for licenses and cloud services, including the management of these licenses and cloud services (SAM), as well as related consulting services. Major publishers include Microsoft, Amazon (AWS), Oracle, but there is …