Contrato de servicios para la asistencia técnica para la redacción del proyecto constructivo de mejora de las características superficiales del firme en la T-702 del PK 0+000 al 36+220. Cornudella de Montsant - La Bisbal de Falset. Clave: PC-CFT-24087 Consultar la documentación de la licitación.
Multi-party framework for the provision of Architect Led Integrated Design Team Services for the delivery of Prefabricated Modular Volumetric Short to Medium Term Residential Accommodation, primarily for International Protection applicants or emergency accommodation on State Lands. Initial Contract: The framework agreement will include an initial contract, details of which cannot …
El sistema de compuertas del desagüe de fondo quedó instalado en 1957, con posterioridad, a finales de los años 70, y a principio de los años 80, se realizaron hasta tres proyectos de reparación de estas compuertas. En la actualidad, este sistema de compuertas originario ha quedado obsoleto, presenta deficiencias …
The procurement cooperation in Sør-Østerdal, with Trysil, Engerdal, Åmot and Stor-Elvdal municipalities, intends to enter into parallel framework agreements for the purchase of architect and consultancy services. The objective of the procurement is to cover the contracting authority ́s ongoing need for the purchase of architect and consultancy services for …
Den udbudte kontrakt omfatter bygherrerådgivning i forbindelse med opførelse af Patient og Barselshotel i Hospitalsbyen i Aalborg. Det nye patient og barselshotel skal erstatte det nuværende patienthotel, der er fordelt på to områder på Aalborg Universitetshospital Syd samt barselshotellet, der i dag er placeret på Aalborg Universitetshospital Nord. Nybyggeriet skal …
The procurement cooperation in Nord-Østerdal, with Alvdal, Folldal, Os, Rendalen, Tolga and Tynset municipalities, intends to enter into parallel framework agreements for the purchase of architect and consultancy services. The objective of the procurement is to cover the contracting authority ́s ongoing need for the purchase of architect and consultancy …
Consultoría y asistencia para el control de la ejecución de las obras del proyecto de construcción de plataforma de la línea de alta velocidad Madrid – Extremadura. Talayuela-Cáceres. Tramo: Toril-río Tiétar. Consultoría y asistencia para el control de la ejecución de las obras del proyecto de construcción de plataforma de …
Предметът на настоящата обществена поръчка е “ИНЖЕНЕРИНГ ( ПРОЕКТИРАНЕ, АВТОРСКИ НАДЗОР И СМР) ЗА ИЗПЪЛНЕНИЕ на обект: „Изграждане на нова учебна сграда за нуждите на ОУ „Княз Александър I“ - гр. Пловдив (в УПИ I - 520.25, училище, кв. 20-нов, 410 - стар по плана на ЦГЧ, гр. Пловдив, ПИ …
The Icelandic Road and Costal Administration (IRCA) requests bids for supervision, quality control and consulting of a work that contains construction of bridges and road over Ölfusá, Hringvegur (1) um Ölfusá. Tenders will be opened in two stages 14.1.2025 and 23.1.2025. The Icelandic Road and Costal Administration (IRCA) requests bids …
Le marché consiste en des missions de maîtrise d’œuvre principale jusqu’aux études de niveau avant-projet, d’obtention d’autorisations administratives, et d’assistance à maîtrise d’ouvrage, en phase conception du projet de création du diffuseur de Rochepinard. L’opération consiste à concevoir un diffuseur complet et l’ensemble des aménagements nécessaires aux rétablissements des voies …