Event Management Services The following Event Management Services are the subject matter of the framework agreement: - Provide advisory and consulting services on event management for in-person, sponsored, and online events. - Manage from planning to delivery several large-scale events, including inperson, hybrid and virtual events such as RawMaterials Summit …
The purpose of the procurement is to enter into a contract for consultancy services within procurement. The tender shall help meet the need for procurement expertise and capacity in the implementation of the group’s procurement plans, tenders, and strategic consulting within procurement. The tender shall help meet the need for …
Die Austrian Business Agency (ABA) ist eine gemeinnützige, der Republik Österreich unterstehende Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Wirschafts-, Arbeits- und Filmstandorts Österreich. Ausschreibungsgegenstand sind Konsulent:innenleistungen für den Geschäftsbereich „Invest in Austria“ bestehend aus 7 Losen, gegliedert nach geografischen Tätigkeitsbereichen (Los 1 Italien; Los 2 Tschechien; Los 3 Slowakei; Los 4 Slowenien; …
Iepirkuma priekšmets ir ekspertu un konsultantu pakalpojumi bezdarbniekiem Aģentūras organizētajā aktīvajā nodarbinātības pasākumā “Pasākumi komercdarbības vai pašnodarbinātības uzsākšanai” (turpmāk – Pakalpojums). Iepirkuma priekšmets ir ekspertu un konsultantu pakalpojumi bezdarbniekiem Aģentūras organizētajā aktīvajā nodarbinātības pasākumā “Pasākumi komercdarbības vai pašnodarbinātības uzsākšanai” (turpmāk – Pakalpojums). Iepirkuma priekšmets ir ekspertu un konsultantu pakalpojumi bezdarbniekiem …
TenneT is implementing a cost-sharing initiative within the Capacity Calculation Region (CCR) Core, involving 16 Transmission System Operators (TSOs) across 13 European countries. This initiative is a vital element of the cross-border redispatching and countertrading coordination mechanism established under the Regional Operational Security Coordination (ROSC) framework. With an annual transaction …
Prestations d'adhésion à un réseau professionnel et à des services de conseils juridiques Prestations de réseau/adhésion à un réseau professionnel Juridique - Missions opérationnelles Vie Sociale/Droit des sociétés - Fiscalité /finances - Droit social /ressources humaines Conseils en Développement Stratégique et/ou Engagements Spécifiques
The purpose of the procurement is to enter into a contract for consultancy services within procurement. The tender shall help meet the need for procurement expertise and capacity in the implementation of the group’s procurement plans, tenders, and strategic consulting within procurement. The tender shall help meet the need for …
The ESM is launching a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) as defined in the ESM Procurement Policy for consultancy services. Candidates can apply to the DPS at any time during the validity of the DPS, which is 4 years. The selected Candidates will sign a Framework Agreement with ESM with an …
Rijkswaterstaat heeft kennis en vakmanschap nodig voor het realiseren van de opgave. Naast eigen kennis is ook de kennis van de markt cruciaal om onze opgave te maken. Een deel van deze benodigde kennis en vakmanschap koopt Aanbesteder in met de Samenwerkingsraamovereenkomst Project- en Procesbeheersing (SROK PPB). Op 1 juli …
SKI udbyder hermed et dynamisk indkøbssystem (herefter Systemet) vedrørende anskaffelse af managementkonsulentydelser. Systemet omfatter anskaffelse af managementkonsulentydelser indenfor nedenstående 6 ydelsesområder. Ydelsesområdernes indhold er nærmere defineret i bilag C Systemets genstand: Ydelsesområde 1: Strategi- og organisationsudvikling Under ydelsesområdet kan der købes de ydelser, som falder inden for et eller flere …