University of Galway wishes to establish a Framework of suitably qualified and experienced Unit4 partner(s) with detailed Unit4 ERP expertise that can work within the existing University support teams, with the University and its strategic partners, supporting the business planning objectives. The Framework Members will be required to provide enhanced …
Przedmiotem Zamówienia jest Pełnienie funkcji Inżyniera Kontraktu przy realizacji projektu pn. E-zdrowie dla Mazowsza 3 współfinansowanego przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach programu Fundusze Europejskie dla Mazowsza 2021-2027 (FEM 2021-2027 / FEM) Priorytet I Fundusze Europejskie dla bardziej konkurencyjnego i inteligentnego Mazowsza, w zakresie Celu …
Offenes Verfahren zum Abschluss einer Rahmenvereinbarung betreffend die Erbringung von Dienstleistungen in den Losen „Testmanagement“, „Qualitätsmanagement“, „Testen“, „Testautomatisierung“, „Security Testen“ und „WAI Testen“ Los 1 "Testmanagement" Los 2 "Qualitätsmanagement" Los 3 "Testen" Los 4 "Testautomatisierung" Los 5 "Security Testen" Los 6 "WAI Testen"
paslaugos Paslaugos
TenneT is implementing a cost-sharing initiative within the Capacity Calculation Region (CCR) Core, involving 16 Transmission System Operators (TSOs) across 13 European countries. This initiative is a vital element of the cross-border redispatching and countertrading coordination mechanism established under the Regional Operational Security Coordination (ROSC) framework. With an annual transaction …
Nærværende udbud vedr. et SCADA-system til varetagelse af driften og overvågning af FORS anlæg på tværs af geografi og forsyningsområder. Som en del af aftalen skal den kommende leverandør forestå levering af SCADA-system, installation, konfigurering, udvikling af standard, og konvertering af et antal pilotprojekter, som proof of concept. Ligeledes skal …
Offenes Verfahren zum Abschluss einer Rahmenvereinbarung betreffend die Erbringung von Dienstleistungen in den Losen „Testmanagement“, „Qualitätsmanagement“, „Testen“, „Testautomatisierung“, „Security Testen“ und „WAI Testen“ Los 1 "Testmanagement" Los 2 "Qualitätsmanagement" Los 3 "Testen" Los 4 "Testautomatisierung" Los 5 "Security Testen" Los 6 "WAI Testen"
The objective of this Call for Tenders is to award a Framework Agreement to up to seven (7) successful tenderers for the provision of IT consultancy services in Project Management, Business Analysis and Testing Services for the EIB Group. The objective of this Call for Tenders is to award a …
Sandnes municipality, hereafter called the Contracting Authority, invites tenderers to a restricted tender contest for the establishment of a dynamic procurement scheme (DPS scheme) for consultancy, assistance and/or project management within digitalisation and IT within concept development, technology consultancy, automation, integrations, enterprise architecture and project management. The scheme shall include …