The Elmarkedsgruppen would like an overview of the current use of PPAs in all Nordic countries and an overview of the debate in the Nordic countries round PPAs. Furthermore, we would like a short review on how the PPAs market can be improved, among other things, through the means proposed …
Restrictive measures (sanctions) are an essential tool for the promotion of the objectives of the Common Foreign and Security Policy. Their objectives include safeguarding the Union’s values, maintaining international peace and security, consolidating and supporting democracy, the rule of law and human rights. The sanctions remain the main instrument in …
Maakondades ja kohalikes omavalitsustes vabaühenduste ümarlaudade ja muude kohtumiste korraldamine info kogumiseks. Infot kogutakse, et saada selgust vabaühenduste arenguvajaduste kohta, toetada nende jätkusuutlikkust ja võimekust lapsi ja noori oma tegevustesse kaasata ning saada sisendit koolitus- ja arendustegevuste programmi välja töötamiseks. Kohtumised tuleb läbi viia 15. korral, 15. Eesti maakonnas. Kohtumiste …
About the procurement Stimulab project New Roads to municipal settlement and neighbourhood development will explore the connection and practices between municipal settlement, the area's tolerability and sustainability in neighbourhoods. The municipality currently chooses "quick" systems that are assessed appropriately to solve the current housing need, but which, in a longer …
The detection rate in the police has fallen within several important issues. The aim of the research project is to contribute research-based knowledge on the reasons for variations and changes in the detection percentage on the prioritised cases, as defined in the Attorney General's annual circular letter on targets and …
Public contract for Consultancy services for Business Development Services under Framework arrangement Marché public de services de conseil aux entreprises Services de développement dans le cadre d’un accord-cadr Gouvernance, conformité et gestion et développement des ressources humaines Governance, compliance and human resource management and development Gouvernance, conformité et gestion et …
Käesoleva hanke eesmärk on viia läbi erinevad analüüsid, mille tulemusel saaks hakata ette valmistama digitaalse õppevara ja teiste õppeotstarbeliste digilahenduste soetamise prototüübi loomist ning piloteerida loodavat prototüüpi digitaalse õppevara ning teiste õppeotstarbeliste digilahenduste soetamiseks üldhariduskoolides. Analüüsi tulemusena peab valmima terviklik lähenemine, mis käsitleb digitaalse õppevara ja teiste õppeotstarbeliste digilahenduste soetamise …
Provision of works and services related to banknote perceptual experience and counterfreit discriminiation - 3 Lots: Lot 1: Biometrics (visual), Lot 2: Predictive perception (visual), Lot 3: Predictive perception software Biometrics-assisted perception studies including the continuous review and improvement of the methodology, using sample sets provided by the ECB Predictive …
We would like to establish a dynamic purchasing system (DPS) to connect research resources from the industry to this national development programme. Better Mega Projects' ambition is to lead the way in modernising the construction industry and to develop the industry in close cooperation with the participants in the industry …
The Norwegian Digitalisation Agency (Digdir) shall establish a dynamic procurement scheme to cover the Directorate's need for consultancy services within the subject area architecture (technology, business and information architecture). The need for services is i.a. connected to managing the Altinn system, but there is also a need for consultancy support …