Zweck dieses Beschaffungsverfahrens ist die Anhebung der Obergrenze der Rahmenverträge, die im Zuge des offenen Verfahrens EMA/2019/13/IT, Bekanntmachung OJ S: 2020/S 251-626976 für die Erbringung von Dienstleistungen auf Zeit- und Mittelbasis, angegebenem Zeit- und Mittelaufwand oder auf Festpreisbasis, vergeben wurden, die es der Agentur ermöglichen, Ressourcen zu erwerben, die nicht …
Upphandling av tjänst för tillhandahållande av Fordonsregister. Initial avtalstid: 24 månader Förlängningsmöjlighet: 24 månader x 3 Efter den initiala avtalstiden kan Beställaren säga upp avtalet med 6 månaders uppsägningstid Den totalt maximala avtalstiden är 96 månader. Avtalet löper därefter ut automatiskt. Upphandling av tjänst för tillhandahållande av Fordonsregister. Initial avtalstid: …
A system has been established for the procurement of consultancy services with the help of a dynamic purchasing system. New suppliers can continually qualify for participation in the scheme. Only qualified tenderers will have access to published competitions. In this stage of the process, interested suppliers can apply to be …
The provision of Library Databases and Online Resources, covering databases including but not limited to: Academic Integrity/Referencing, Arts and Humanities, Business, Computing, Education, Engineering, Health, Hotel and Tourism, Environment, Language, Law, Newspapers, Multidisciplinary, Science and Technology, Miscellaneous. The provision of Library Databases and Online Resources, covering databases including but not …
The provision of Library Databases and Online Resources, covering databases including but not limited to: Academic Integrity/Referencing, Arts and Humanities, Business, Computing, Education, Engineering, Health, Hotel and Tourism, Environment, Language, Law, Newspapers, Multidisciplinary, Science and Technology, Miscellaneous. The provision of Library Databases and Online Resources, covering databases including but not …
Establishment of a dynamic purchasing system for procurements of technical consultancy services to support work on the development and management of the contracting authority's website (system architecture).