Restricted call for tender to select a service contractor to support implementation of EU-China ETS dialogue and cooperation. Restricted call for tender to select a service contractor to support implementation of EU-China ETS dialogue and cooperation.
The government wants all children to have access to an equal nursery offer of high quality. The Nursery School Act and the framework plan set requirements and frameworks for the nursery offer and the quality of kindergarten, but we do not know enough about compliance in the sector today. The …
Предметът на поръчката включва демонстриране и въвеждане на лесовъдски практики при изпълнение на мерки 46, 47 и 48 ОТ НРПД 2021-2027 на територията на СЗДП ДП, гр. Враца по ПРОГРАМА „ОКОЛНА СРЕДА“ 2021-2027“. Изпълнението на всяка от посочените мерки включва 3 етапа: I етап – Подготовка на демонстрационни обекти; II …
The Knowledge Hub will provide international expertise and EU know-how to the European Commission’s Headquarters’ services and Delegations of the European Union worldwide for the effective implementation of its commitments at country, regional and global level in the thematic areas of education and skills, and culture The Knowledge Hub will …
Servicios para Diseño, Construcción, Entrega, Procesos IT y Soporte de Servicios Hosting Asistencia Técnica para Diseño, Construcción y Evolución del modelo de servicio Hosting y solución de Plataformas asociadas Asistencia Técnica para Diseño, Construcción y Evolución del modelo de servicio Hosting y Solución de Productos, así como ejecución de Proyectos …
Climate Adaptation Investment Pipeline Development in Madagascar for Infrastructure, Water, Agriculture, Urban and the Blue Economy sectors Climate Adaptation Investment Pipeline Development in Madagascar for Infrastructure, Water, Agriculture, Urban and the Blue Economy sectors
In summary, the Services comprise: Research and analysis to a) design and complete a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) of decarbonisation technology alternatives in the Irish power system, and b) recommend technology portfolios, informed by the results of the MCDA, to be used in further techno-economic modelling. This competition is a …
The Technical Cooperation Facility of the Support Measures constitutes part of a financial envelope in the Multiannual Indicative Programme for Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA MIP) which allows DG INTPA unit A.02 for Regional and Multi-Country Programmes for Africa, as well as other DG INTPA Units, EU Delegations (EUDs) and potentially other …
Die Einrichtung von Schulstraßen wird in vielen europäischen Großstädten bereits seit längerer Zeit praktiziert. In Deutschland wurden bis Ende letzten Jahres laut Verkehrsclub Deutschland 10 Schulstraßen eingerichtet. Die Planung weiterer Schulstraßen wird in verschiedenen Bundesländern vorangebracht. Ziel der zeitlich beschränkten (i. d. R. rund um die Bring- und Abholzeiten) Sperrung …
Voor deze aanbesteding kunnen Inschrijvers een Inschrijving indienen voor het uitvoeren van hHoofdonderzoek onderzoeks- en verbetercultuurtrajecten in Ontwikkelkracht. NWO zoekt 1 partij die de opdracht het best kan uitvoeren. Meer informatie is te vinden in het beschrijvend document en bijlagen behorende bij deze aanbesteding. Voor deze aanbesteding kunnen Inschrijvers een …