This is a contract for the provision of research on the reasons for Housing First (HF) tenant disengagement. Housing stability is a key element of Housing First. Tenants are permanent and must adhere to the terms of the tenancy agreement and be mindful of other neighbours and the wider property …
The overall purpose of this research is to inform the DHLGH’s (Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage) strategic review of the sector. The research will provide a European perspective on how ‘AHB-type’ (Approved Housing Body) housing providers function in other countries in Europe. These insights will inform both the …
About the procurement Stimulab project New Roads to municipal settlement and neighbourhood development will explore the connection and practices between municipal settlement, the area's tolerability and sustainability in neighbourhoods. The municipality currently chooses "quick" systems that are assessed appropriately to solve the current housing need, but which, in a longer …
1. Przedmiotem zamówienia jest realizacja badania ewaluacyjnego pn. „Ocena wpływu wsparcia EFS i EFRR na trwałość i wysokiej jakości zatrudnienie”. 2. Szczegółowy opis oraz sposób realizacji zamówienia zawiera Opis Przedmiotu Zamówienia (OPZ), stanowiący Załącznik nr 1 do SWZ. 1. Przedmiotem zamówienia jest realizacja badania ewaluacyjnego pn. „Ocena wpływu wsparcia EFS …
Het doel van de Aanbesteding is het sluiten van een Dienstverleningsovereenkomst met één dienstverlener om een periodieke rapportage op te stellen om de doelmatigheid en doeltreffendheid van de verschillende ingezette beleidsinstrumenten ten aanzien van beschikbaarheid van genees-middelen, medische hulpmiddelen en lichaamsmateriaal in zijn geheel bezien te evalueren in relatie tot …
Appointment to a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the Provision of Next Generation Sequencing Services. Appointment to a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the Provision of Next Generation Sequencing Services. Appointment to a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the Provision of Next Generation Sequencing Services. Appointment to a Dynamic Purchasing …
The provision of Library Databases and Online Resources, covering databases including but not limited to: Academic Integrity/Referencing, Arts and Humanities, Business, Computing, Education, Engineering, Health, Hotel and Tourism, Environment, Language, Law, Newspapers, Multidisciplinary, Science and Technology, Miscellaneous. The provision of Library Databases and Online Resources, covering databases including but not …
Denna upphandling avser dynamiskt inköpssystem för forskningskonsulter. Tjänster som kan komma att omfattas av detta DIS är bl.a.: Kliniska prövningsledare CRA/monitorer Projektledare Data manager Biostatistiker Medical writing/publication management QA/kvalitetsledning Forskningsadministration Behandling av personuppgifter Information om hur Region Uppsala behandlar personuppgifter redogörs för i bilaga 1C Behandling av Personuppgifter. Anbudstidens utgång …
Dynamic Purchasing System for Legal Research Expertise for the Law Reform Commission. The DPS will be divided into six Categories: 1. Knowledge of legislation, including legislative drafting, annotation and consolidation of legislation, and statute law revision 2. Public law 3. Commercial law 4. Civil law 5. Criminal law and contempt …
The provision of Library Databases and Online Resources, covering databases including but not limited to: Academic Integrity/Referencing, Arts and Humanities, Business, Computing, Education, Engineering, Health, Hotel and Tourism, Environment, Language, Law, Newspapers, Multidisciplinary, Science and Technology, Miscellaneous. The provision of Library Databases and Online Resources, covering databases including but not …