Réalisation d'une cartographie à fine échelle et mesures terrain de l'impact de la petite plaisance sur les herbiers de Posidonies dans les sites prioritaires en Méditerranée française. Quantification de l'impact de la plaisance sur les sites identifiés en région PACA Quantification de l'impact de la plaisance sur les sites identifiés …
The main nature of this work is experimental, complemented with physical-mathematical modelling of fire behaviours respect to the carriage of AFVs The main nature of this work is experimental, complemented with physical-mathematical modelling of fire behaviours respect to the carriage of AFVs
This study shall provide technical explanatory considerations, detailed technical annexes, advice and recommendations, as well as testing and validation methodologies and procedures for navigation, communications and connectivity for MASS. This study shall provide technical explanatory considerations, detailed technical annexes, advice and recommendations, as well as testing and validation methodologies and …
This study shall provide technical explanatory considerations, detailed technical annexes, advice and recommendations, as well as testing and validation methodologies and procedures for navigation, communications and connectivity for MASS. This study shall provide technical explanatory considerations, detailed technical annexes, advice and recommendations, as well as testing and validation methodologies and …
Länsstyrelsen Skåne bjuder in leverantörer att inkomma med ansökning för att deltaga i ett dynamiskt inköpssystem, DIS, gällande marinbiologiska och maringeologiska konsulttjänster.