In summary, the Services comprise: Development of Ireland’s Heating and Cooling Comprehensive Assessment 2025, as defined by the European Energy Efficiency Directive EU/2023/1791, accompanied by the Renewable Energy and Waste Heat Potential Assessment as defined by the Renewable Energy Directive, RED III EU 2023/2413, and an analysis of coupling renewable …
Servicii pentru evaluare în domeniul performanței fondurilor UE. În mod specific, contractul vizează creșterea capacității de previzionare a progresului implementării Fondurilor Uniunii și contribuției la obiectivele strategice. Numarul de zile pana la care se pot solicita clarificari inainte de data limita de depunere a ofertelor: 20 Autoritatea contractanta va raspunde …
The Contracting Authority invites tenders (“Tenders”) from economic operators (“Tenderers”) for appointment to a multi-supplier framework agreement (the “Framework Agreement”) for the provision of the services as described in Appendix 1 to this RFT (the “Services”). A broad and diverse range of Business, Management and ICT Consultancy service requirements of …
El objeto del contrato comprende la elaboración de un Plan Estratégico Municipal. Se trata de un documento de planeamiento urbano que se elaborará mediante la puesta en producción de una innovadora herramienta digital denominada Simulador Estratégico. El lote está dividido en cuatro prestaciones: - Prestación 1: Elaboración del Plan Estratégico …
The purpose of the study is twofold: 1) to identify barriers to the scaling-up and consolidation of investment funds, including venture capital and private equity funds together with potential options to address the barriers identified and, 2) separately, to identify barriers and potential options for the further consolidation and reduced …
Wie kann ein Technologie-Scouting-System optimal dazu beitragen, dass Technologien im Mobilitätssektor recherchiert und bewertet werden und so Eingang in Mobilitätsangebote finden? Ziel Um dem wachsenden Umfang und der Komplexität von Informationen zu technologischen Entwicklungen im Mobilitätssektor zu begegnen, soll in diesem Projekt im Bereich der Technologiebeobachtung (auch „Technologie-Scouting“) ein verkehrsträgerübergreifendes …
The Contracting Authority invites requests to participate (“Applications”) from economic operators (“Applicants”) for appointment to a Dynamic Purchasing System (“DPS”) for the provision of the services described in Appendix 1 to this RFATP (the “Services”). In summary, the Services shall comprise of: The provision of Market Research and Surveys Consultancy …
The Norwegian Digitalisation Agency (Digdir) will establish a dynamic purchasing system to cover the directorate's need for consultancy services within the finance field. This scheme will replace the previously framework agreements for the same field. Note that this is one of several disciplines where Digdir has established a dynamic purchasing …