Bergen municipality has entered into a contract with Capgemini Norway AS for development services for a digital service platform. The agreement includes the delivery of consultancy services for supporting the development model in accordance with the municipality ́s approved Management and Management model for Digital first choice in Bergen municipality …
Paslaugos turi būti įgyvendintos šiais etapais: 1) I iteracija: Analizės ir projektavimas; Konstravimas ir vidinis testavimas, priėmimo testavimas, mokymai, diegimas, duomenų migravimas; Bandomoji eksploatacija (20 proc. I iteracijos kainos). 2) II iteracija: Analizės ir projektavimas; Konstravimas ir vidinis testavimas, priėmimo testavimas, mokymai, diegimas, duomenų migravimas; Bandomoji eksploatacija. 3) Sukurtos programinės …
Meža datu pārvaldības sistēmu integrācijas attīstība (Forems) Meža datu pārvaldības sistēmu integrācijas attīstība (Forems)
Το αντικείμενο αφορά την ανάπτυξη ενός Εθνικού Συστήματος ETIAS το οποίο μέσω των NUI θα διασυνδέεται με το Κεντρικό Σύστημα ETIAS και μέσω του οποίου θα καλύπτονται οι λειτουργικές και τεχνικές ανάγκες της Εθνικής Μονάδας ETIAS. Πιο συγκεκριμένα περιλαμβάνονται η υλοποίηση αυτοματοποιημένων διαδικασιών που θα υποστηρίζουν όλες τις υπηρεσίες που …
The dynamic purchasing system includes assistance with further development of the architecture work in cooperation with the business side and the technical director for architecture. Contribute with decision basis that supports the IT department ́s strategy and methodology. Further details are given in the attached qualification documentation. The dynamic purchasing …
Servicio asistencia técnica para el desarrollo, impulso y dinamización del acuerdo de ciudad para la estrategia de la Economía Social y solidaria 20230 como espacio de trabajo conjunto orientado a la acción de la Dirección de Servicios de la Economía Social y solidaria del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona Servicio asistencia técnica …
The framework agreements shall give the Directorate of Education access to suppliers who can assist with digitising and making the Norwegian Directorate of Education ́s processes, services, cloud services, tools and systems, both internally in the organisation and across the sector. The aim of the procurement is to enter into …
Según pliego de prescripciones técnicas Según pliego de prescripciones técnicas
The dynamic purchasing system includes assistance with testing and test management. Further details are given in the attached qualification documentation. The dynamic purchasing system includes assistance with testing and test management. Further details are given in the attached qualification documentation.
This scheme shall cover assistance, advice and project management within analyses and reviews. Further details are given in the attached qualification documentation. This scheme shall cover assistance, advice and project management within analyses and reviews. Further details are given in the attached qualification documentation.