Par kancelejas preču un biroja papīra piegādi Elektronisko iepirkumu sistēmas dalībniekiem Par kancelejas preču un biroja papīra piegādi Elektronisko iepirkumu sistēmas dalībniekiem Par kancelejas preču un biroja papīra piegādi Elektronisko iepirkumu sistēmas dalībniekiem Par kancelejas preču un biroja papīra piegādi Elektronisko iepirkumu sistēmas dalībniekiem Par kancelejas preču un biroja papīra …
Sveriges geologiska undersökning (SGU) avser att upphandla hyllsystem till våra arkivlokaler i Malå, Västerbottens län. Lokalerna kommer att inrymma i huvudsak arkivhandlingar, bibliotek och stensamlingar och färdigställas under 2025. Kontraktet avser fullständig leverans och installation/montage enligt upphandlignsdokumenten, där Leverantören tar ett totalansvar för hela uppdraget. SGU väljer arkivlokaler långsiktigt och …
Prin acest proiect se urmărește dotarea, cu echipamente IT – echipamente fizice (hardware) adecvate, echipamente de stocare, de arhivare, unități de memorie, surse de alimentare electrice- a secțiilor și a birourilor administrative pentru asigurarea infrastructurii necesare comunicării, pentru a îmbunătății accesul la informaţie din orice punct, în interiorul instituţiei, de …
The Health Service Executive (HSE) wishes to procure and establish a multi-vendor Dynamic Purchasing System Qualification appointing qualified and competent service providers to meet the HSE requirements for Furniture (Generic, Office and Robust). The Health Service Executive (HSE) wishes to procure and establish a multi-vendor Dynamic Purchasing System Qualification appointing …
The Health Service Executive (the “HSE”) is tasked with sourcing Health related goods and services on behalf of the public service. References to the Contracting Authority will be deemed to include the HSE. This DPS will be co-ordinated and managed by the HSE. Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) means the electronic …