Oslo municipality, c/o the Agency for Sanitation and Recycling (REG) needs a framework agreement that shall ensure the need for special welding services, including planned and acute welding work, welding of pressurised parts, as well as monitoring wear on pipe systems and simulation. The scope concerns both repairs and replacement …
Acquisition d'instruments de technologies de haute pression (Relance 2023DAC0140L01-L02 - et 2023DAC0167L01-L02) Presse multi-enclumes 1250 tonnes type DIA Enclumes ultra-dures
Доставката на оборудване за измерване и регулиране на неелектрически величини за нуждите на предприятие „Водноелектрически централи“ включва: Обособена позиция №1 „Доставка на датчици и електромагнитни клапани за нуждите на предприятие ВЕЦ“ Обособена позиция №2 „Доставка на термоелементи за нуждите на предприятие ВЕЦ“ Обособена позиция №3 „Доставка на релета за поток …
The Joint Procurement Office, on behalf of Frogn, Nesodden, Vestby and Ås municipalities, hereafter called the Contracting Authority, intends to enter into a framework agreement with up to three tenderers for the purchase of water and sewage and sanitation materials. The Joint Procurement Office, on behalf of Frogn, Nesodden, Vestby …
Echipamente de laborator – 13 loturi în cadrul Proiectului PNRR Contract de finanţare nr. 760064/23.05.2023, CF 36/14.11.2022, cu titlul " Translational research targeting fibrosis regression, endothelial dysfunction reversal and hepatocytes regeneration in advanced liver diseases – 3RE-VALID" Nr LOT Denumirea echipamentului Lotul 1: Ecograf pentru uz experimental cu funcții complexe …
Energinet has high-voltage (up to 400 kV) circuit breakers filled with gas SF6. To reduce the amount of leaked SF6 it has been requested that Energinet should be able to monitor leakages more closely making Energinet able to react faster than today. With this Framework Agreement Energinet wants to buy …