Articole medicale de unica folosinta 2 Spitalul Clinic Județean de Urgență Brașov, este o unitate sanitară publică cu personalitate juridică, în subordinea Consiliului Județean Brașov, având ca obiect de activitate furnizarea de servicii medicale de urgență și își desfășoară activitatea în conformitate cu prevederile Legii 95/2006 privind reforma în domeniul …
Dublin Bus seeks a suitable contractor for provision of uniforms to its staff in its various locations throughout the city and county of Dublin. The successful tenderer will be required to manage the ongoing supply and delivery to Dublin Bus employees. Following PQQ evaluation a number of applicants will be …
The subject of this tender is the supply of clothing and footwear items for the Armed Forces of Malta as follows: Lot No.1 - Tracksuit; Lot No.2 - T-shirt light tan/coyote; Lot No.3 - T-shirt blue; Lot No.4 - Shirt fleece light tan (Norwegian); Lot No.5 - Boots High leg …