Met deze aanbesteding wordt beoogd een systeem aan te schaffen waarmee de processen voor Financiële Planning & Analyse ondersteund kunnen worden. Met deze aanbesteding wordt beoogd een systeem aan te schaffen waarmee de processen voor Financiële Planning & Analyse ondersteund kunnen worden.
Předmětem veřejné zakázky je dodávka SW řešení v projektu „Městský úřad Vimperk – eGovernment“. Plnění veřejné zakázky konkrétně zahrnuje dodávku SW řešení v následujících oblastech a agendách: 1) Celoměstský agendový informační systém 2) Portál občana (vč. formulářového řešení) 3) Ekonomický informační systém Další požadované funkcionality zahrnují: - Integrace (interní – …
The current ISY ProActive system has been decided to be discontinued and there is, therefore, a need to implement one or several procurements to cover the needs ISY ProActive solves. The project is currently a co-operation between the Agency for Water and Sewerage Services (VAV), the Fire and Rescue Agency …
Innovasjon Norway intends to sign a Saas contract with Unit4 AS, which includes licences, maintenance, operation in cloud and support. (Framework agreement for consultancy services for Unit4 ERP is not included.) The agreement has a minimum period of four years from 31.03.2025. The estimated value for 4 years is NOK …
Helsetjenestens driftsorganisasjon for nødnett HF ("HDO") needs to procure a provider of financial and accounting services. The objective of the procurement is to enter into a framework agreement with a tenderer who can offer such services and access to an accounting system. Helsetjenestens driftsorganisasjon for nødnett HF ("HDO") needs to …
Innovasjon Norway intends to sign a Saas contract with Unit4 AS, which includes licences, maintenance, operation in cloud and support. (Framework agreement for consultancy services for Unit4 ERP is not included.) The agreement has a minimum period of four years from 31.03.2025. The estimated value for 4 years is NOK …