Oslo municipality, c/o the Agency for Sanitation and Recycling (REG) needs a framework agreement that shall ensure the need for special welding services, including planned and acute welding work, welding of pressurised parts, as well as monitoring wear on pipe systems and simulation. The scope concerns both repairs and replacement …
Tubazioni e relativi accessori, impianti ausiliari/packaging e materiali/apparecchiature ICT-TLC Valore totale stimato (Valore, IVA esclusa): € 732.761.569,00
Energinet has high-voltage (up to 400 kV) circuit breakers filled with gas SF6. To reduce the amount of leaked SF6 it has been requested that Energinet should be able to monitor leakages more closely making Energinet able to react faster than today. With this Framework Agreement Energinet wants to buy …
Con il presente avviso, diretto esclusivamente a soggetti giuridici singoli e a raggruppamenti permanenti d’imprese (es. consorzi stabili, consorzi fra società cooperative di produzione e lavoro, consorzi tra imprese artigiane) e non a raggruppamenti temporanei di imprese, Snam per le proprie attività e per quelle delle altre Società del gruppo …
Lot 1 Construction / Build Only Lot 2 Design and Build Lot 3 Utility Construction / Civil Engineering Only Lot 4 Mechanical / Gas Specialist only See Appendix 1 for more details regarding the requirements. Admission to the Qualification System is subject to Applicants meeting the minimum requirements and minimum …
Opstellen van een lijst van gekwalificeerde leveranciers/fabrikanten voor de levering van gasdrukreduceerinstallaties Beantwoordend aan de voorschriften van de Opdrachtgever. Om in aanmerking te kunnen komen voor deelname aan de eerstvolgende door de Aanbestedende Overheid georganiseerde raamovereenkomsten met vermoedelijke nominale looptijden van 4 jaar met eventuele verlenging van 2 jaar, dient …
Cette procédure a pour objet l'établissement d'une liste de candidats qualifiés pour la fourniture d’écrêteurs de pression Qmax 10 m³/h et de régulateurs de pression Qmax 10 à 100 m³/h pour réseaux de distribution de gaz naturel.