Oslo municipality, c/o the Agency for Sanitation and Recycling (REG) needs a framework agreement that shall ensure the need for special welding services, including planned and acute welding work, welding of pressurised parts, as well as monitoring wear on pipe systems and simulation. The scope concerns both repairs and replacement …
Dostawa rur wraz z osprzętem do zabudowy rurociągu odwadniającego z poz. 790 do granicy z KWK Ruda Ruch Bielszowice.
Troms County shall have a new framework agreement for plumbing services and the accompanying pipe parts/material. The contracts shall take care of Troms county ́s procurement of plumbing services and materials for the discipline. For pipe parts/materials, the sixth form colleges with education in these disciplines shall also be able …
Předmětem veřejné zakázky je zpracování dokumentace a následná realizace spočívající v implementaci řízeného ventingu na HVB1 a HVB2 v Jaderné elektrárně Temelín. Venting je podpůrný systém při zvládání těžkých havárií (TH) ve fázi Ex-Vessel Coolability (uchlazení taveniny po porušení dna tlakové nádoby reaktoru)(ExVC), zajišťující snížení tlaku v kontejnmentu. Tlak je …
-Tiefbau- und Montageleistungen zur Verlegung von Gas-/Strom-/Wasser- und LWL-Leitungen. - Abschluss von zwei Rahmenverträgen. -Tiefbau- und Montageleistungen zur Verlegung von Gas-/Strom-/Wasser- und LWL-Leitungen. - Abschluss von zwei Rahmenverträgen. -Tiefbau- und Montageleistungen zur Verlegung von Gas-/Strom-/Wasser- und LWL-Leitungen. - Abschluss von zwei Rahmenverträgen.
Eidfjord municipality shall establish a new treatment facility for Sysendalen in accordance with the new discharge licence from 2023. The existing treatment plant in the area does not have sufficient capacity, it does not fulfil the current treatment requirements (secondary purification), and shall be shut down. This contract is for …
The builder shall enter into a contract with one contractor for the execution of contract E75 Submarine pipelines, which is a part of the transfer plant to Kongshaugen reindeer treatment plant. The builder will enter into a contract that builds on the contract standard "NS 8405:2008 Norwegian Building and Construction …
The subject of this tender is procurement of purple coloured DI pipelines EN545 for New Water project (Southwest extension), and for the respective fittings and manhole covers required for the completion of the project for the Water Services Corporation. The subject of this tender is procurement of purple coloured DI …
The builder shall enter into a contract with one contractor for the execution of contract E75 Submarine pipelines, which is a part of the transfer plant to Kongshaugen reindeer treatment plant. The builder will enter into a contract that builds on the contract standard "NS 8405:2008 Norwegian Building and Construction …
Zweck der Markterkundung: Die Creos Deutschland Wasserstoff GmbH möchte von qualifizierten Anbietern Informationen für ein Überwachungssystem erhalten, welches akustische Ereignisse und Erdbewegungen entlang erdverlegter Pipelines erkennen kann. Das System sollte in der Lage sein, unterschiedliche Arten von Erdbewegungen zu identifizieren und sofort auf Leckagen zu reagieren. Hinweis zur Markterkundung: Es …