Kolonial, Djupfryst, Färskvaror,Kylvaror,Speceri och Vin/Sprit/Öl Klass3 Kolonial, Djupfryst, Färskvaror,Kylvaror,Speceri och Vin/Sprit/Öl Klass3
Le présent marché public est un accord-cadre à bons de commande par lots mono- attributaires, sans minimum et avec un montant maximum annuel, passé selon une procédure d'appel d'offres ouvert en application de l'article R2124-2 L. 2124-2, R. 2124-2 1° et R. 2161-2 à R. 2161-5 du Code de la …
Przedmiotem zamówienia jest dostawa artykułów spożywczych w postaci: produktów przemiału ziarna, ryb i przetworów rybnych, jaj spożywczych, przetworów owocowo - warzywnych, dżemów, pieczywo, sosów zup i przypraw, nabiału, tłuszczy, różnych artykułów spożywczych. Dostawa produktów spożywczych w postaci: Makaron 21500 kg, Mąka pszenna 4700 kg, Mąka ziemniaczana 340 kg, Kasza jęczmienna …
SUPPLIES OF FOODS AND BEVERIGES NABAVKA NA HRANA I PIJALOCI Purchase of bread and white pastries Nabavka na leb i beli peciva Supplies of Cereals and other grain products Nabavka na zitarici i drugi proizvodi od zito Supplies of milk and dairy Nabavka na mleko mlecni proizvodi Supplies of fresh …
OsloMet shall enter into a framework agreement for the hire of coffee machines and water coolers, as well as the delivery of the accompanying consumables such as coffee etc. during the hire period, service and maintenance for the machines shall be included in the agreement. OsloMet shall enter into a …
Prin prezenta procedura de achizitie, se doreste incheierea unui acord cadru pentru o perioada de 12 luni si 2 contracte subsecvente astfel : primul pe perioada 01.01.2025-31.03.2025 si al doilea pe perioada 01.04.2025-31.12.2025. Atribuirea acordului –cadru se va face cu maxim 2 operatori economici conform prevederilor Legii nr. 98/2016, art. …
Twee percelen voor de levering van voedingsmiddelen aan locaties Aeres met de volgende bestemmingen: 1. Middelen voor lesprogramma’s 2. Vormen de basis voor catering(diensten) in eigen beheer 3. T.b.v. het vullen van snoep-/snackautomaten 4. T.b.v. dierenvoeding op enkele locaties Betreft alle locaties Aeres Levering voedingsmiddelen t.b.v. de bestemmingen: 1. Middelen …
Sukcesivna dobava živil – ponovitev II 4. Špecerija-BIO IZD 13. Kruh
Nabava i dostava raznih prehrambenih proizvoda ,koji su podijeljeni u 16 grupa. Svježe svinjsko meso Svježe juneće i teleće meso Svježe pileće i pureće meso Dostava suhomesnatih proizvoda i mesnih prerađevina Dostava mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda Nabava i dostava kruha i slastica Nabava i dostava brašna Nabava i dostava tjestenine …
On behalf of the procurement cooperation between Gjesdal, Klepp, Time, Bjerkreim and Hå municipalities, Hå municipality plans to announce a competition for framework agreements for Institutional Households.The framework agreements will consist of sub-contracts 1 Groceries, 2 Fruit greens and eggs, 3 Meat and meat products, 4 Dairy products and 5. …