Transfer-Roboter im Hochvakuum verbunden mit zwei Leybold Hochvakuumanlagen (Evaporator und Sputterer) Transfer robot in high vacuum connected to two Leybold high vacuum systems (evaporator and sputterer) Transfer-Roboter im Hochvakuum verbunden mit zwei Leybold Hochvakuumanlagen (Evaporator und Sputterer) Transfer robot in high vacuum connected to two Leybold high vacuum systems (evaporator …
Predmetom zákazky je dodanie laboratórnych prístrojov, IKT hardvéru a softvéru pre vedecko-výskumné účely, v rozsahu a podľa technickej špecifikácie, definovanej v Prílohe č. 1 zmluvy Špecifikácia s cenovou kalkuláciou. The subject of the contract is the supply of laboratory equipment, ICT hardware and software for scientific research purposes, in the …
The procurement is for the delivery of cross section poles with cooling and an air insulated transfer system. The procurement ́s value is estimated to NOK 1,500,000-2,000,000 excluding VAT. The volume is an estimate and is not binding for the contracting authority. See the procurement documents for further information. The …
Upphandlingen avser inköp och leverans av ett förpackningssystem för paketering, märkning och transport av textilier till "Tvätt och Textil" i Kristianstad. Upphandlingen omfattar också installation, slut- och garantibesiktning, service och underhåll, reparation och reservdelar. Upphandlingen avser inköp och leverans av ett förpackningssystem för paketering, märkning och transport av textilier till …
• În prezent, utilajele aflate în administrarea CNCF ”CFR” SA utilizate sunt uzate fizic și moral, depăşite tehnic și insuficiente ca număr. Se impune utilarea corespunzătoare a structurilor nou create cu un minim necesar de utilaje specifice, care să deservească procesul tehnologic de înnoire, şi reparaţie linii. • Ciocanul de …
Lieferung eines Gerätesystems gemäß beigefügter Leistungsbeschreibung Lieferung eines Gerätesystems gemäß beigefügter Leistungsbeschreibung
This tender is for the purchase of a high-volume 3D micro-extrusion printer equipped with continuous paste feeding, vision technology and a plate handling system. The printer distinguishes itself from other 3D printers that are standard on the market due to the combination of a large printing capacity (high volume – …
The Norwegian Defence Materiel Agency (NDMA) hereby invites candidates to pre-qualification for the procurement of Airport Spreaders. The procurement will be carried out as a negotiated procedure with pre-qualification of Candidates.The stated duration of the Contract includes all tentative options for extensions of the CLS- agreement, intended to support the …
TeeSe Botnia Oy Ab valmistelee siivouskaluston kilpailutusta TeeSeBotnia Oy:n ja sen omistajayhteisöjen tarpeisiin. Tavoitteena on siivouskalustoa koskevan puitejärjestelyn muodostaminen 1.6.2025 (tavoite) alkavalle toistaiseksi voimassa olevalle sopimuskaudelle. Hankinnan kohteena on eri kokoisiin yksiköihin hankittavat siivouskoneet, kuten siivousvaunut, vesi- ja pölynimurit, painehuuhtelukoneet, lattianhoitokoneet, yhdistelmäkoneet jne. Tarjoukset pyydetään ostettavista ja mahdollisesti liisattavasta siivouskalustosta …
Rogaland county shall enter into dynamic framework agreement for the purchase of washing robots for use in all county buildings. Rogaland County, hereafter also called the contracting authority, invites tenderers to a restricted tender contest for the establishment of a dynamic procurement scheme for the procurement of washing robots. The …