The objective of the procurement is to enter into a framework agreement for printing services. Printing services means digital printing of, for example, posters, brochures, reports roll ups, beach flag etc. The objective of the procurement is to enter into a framework agreement for printing services. Printing services means digital …
An Post sells and distributes First Day Covers (FDCs) for each new stamp issue to philatelic collectors and other interested parties. Approximately 12–20 first day issues are distributed each year (but numbers may increase or decrease depending on annual stamp programmes). Generally, each issue consists of approximately 2,950 FDCs, (2,550 …
Gegenstand der Ausschreibung ist ein Rahmenvertrag über die Erstellung und Lieferung von Druckprodukten für die Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission an zwei Standorten in Bonn (Martin-Luther-Allee 42, 53175 Bonn) und in Berlin Kreuzberg (Hasenheide 54, 10967 Berlin). Regelmäßig werden in der DUK Publikationen unterschiedlicher Art und Güte erstellt. Es ist dabei nicht vorhersehbar, …
Drukken en leveren stadsmagazine 'M' en Uit in Mortsel-kalender 2025-2028 Drukken en leveren stadsmagazine 'M' en Uit in Mortsel-kalender 2025-2028
Jedná se o nákup kancelářských potřeb v NIPEZ: 11 Kancelářské potřeby, 12 Tiskařské výrobky, 13 Výrobky a vybavení pro sport a volný čas, materiál pro umělecké a řemeslné práce, 16 Zařízení a vybavení interiéru. Jedná se o nákup kancelářských potřeb v NIPEZ: 11 Kancelářské potřeby, 12 Tiskařské výrobky, 13 Výrobky …
Предметът на поръчката включва периодични доставки на печатарска хартия, разделена по вид в три обособени позиции, за нуждите на Издателство на БАН “Проф. Марин Дринов”. Позиция № 1 Периодична доставка на офсетни хартии; Позиция № 2 Периодична доставка на двустранно хромови хартии и картони; Позиция № 3 Периодична доставка на …
This public procurement competition relates to the establishment of a single supplier framework agreement for the supply of bound editions of consolidated Irish tax legislation for use by Revenue staff. The 3 Bounds Editions required are as follows: Bounds Edition 1 Direct Taxes (Income Tax, Corporation Tax and Capital Gains …
Suministro de material de imprenta y de las etiquetas de acceso al Congreso de los Diputados Material de imprenta Etiquetas de acceso al Congreso de los Diputados
A contract shall be signed for the delivery of printed matter. This involves preparing files for printing, and for smaller, non-creative graphical work. This will involve changing text on business cards, changing a text on a banner etc. The production of new set-ups or creative work is covered by a …
La procédure de passation utilisée est : l'appel d'offres ouvert. Elle est soumise aux dispositions des articles L. 2124-2, R. 2124-2 1° et R. 2161-2 à R. 2161-5 du Code de la commande publique. L'accord-cadre avec maximum est passé en application des articles L2125-1 1°, R. 2162-1 à R. 2162-6 …