BAB A72 Grunderneuerung G70 Grundhafte Erneuerung der Fahrbahnen und Verbreiterung der Richtungsfahrbahnen auf 12,50 m; Instandsetzung und Teilerneuerung der Entwässerungseinrichtungen; Erneuerung der Fahrbahnmarkierungen; Instandsetzung der Brückenbauwerke, Verkehrssicherung Grunderneuerung G70 - Los B - Grundhafte Erneuerung der Fahrbahn und Verbreitung der Richtungsfahrbahn auf 12,50 m; - Instandsetzung und Teilerneuerung der Entwässerungseinrichtungen; …
The works include transverse and longitudinal road markings with sprayed thermoplastic and spray plastic along national and European roads in Innlandet County, with the accompanying cycle path network. The workers also include milling for road marking and removing road markings. Also includes cleaning before laying longitudinal and transverse marking. The …
New railings and road lights shall be established on the stretch Minnesund-Tangen. The contract includes disassembly of e.g. railings in corten steel, assembly of new railings and new road lights. There are strict requirements for work notifications on the stretch. The speed limit is 110 km/h with an ÅDT between …
The works include transverse and longitudinal road markings with sprayed thermoplastic and spray plastic along national and European roads, with the accompanying cycle path network. The workers also include milling for road marking and removing road markings. Also includes cleaning before laying longitudinal and transverse marking. The geographical area is …
SS 189 Itinerario Agrigento - Palermo. Sistemazione e messa in sicurezza dello svincolo al km. 24 della SS 189 (sv. San Giovanni Gemini in località Tumarrano). SS 189 Itinerario Agrigento - Palermo. Sistemazione e messa in sicurezza dello svincolo al km. 24 della SS 189 (sv. San Giovanni Gemini in …
The works include transverse and longitudinal road markings with sprayed thermoplastic and spray plastic along national and European roads, with the accompanying cycle path network. The workers also include milling for road marking and removing road markings. Also includes cleaning before laying longitudinal and transverse marking. The geographical area is …
„Consolidare DN 59B km 60+000 – km 75+488, Livezile-Deta” (proiectare faza D.T.A.C., P.T., Asistență tehnică din partea proiectantului și execuţie lucrări) Termene pentru depunerea/răspunsul la solicitările de clarificări/informații suplimentare: A. În conformitate cu prevederile art. 160 alin. (1) din Legea nr. 98/2016 cu modificările și completările ulterioare, termenul limită până …
FB: A008 AS Merchweiler- AS Bildstock, RF. PS FB: A008 AS Merchweiler- AS Bildstock, RF. PS 270 m MÜFs öffnen; Bestandsvermessung vor Bau + Deckenbuch; 2.200 m3 Bankette; 22.500 m2 Fahrbahn fräsen, 3-30 cm tief (mehrere Fräsgänge); ca. 3.850 t pechhaltige Befestigung entsorgen; 50 m3 Betonabbruch; 26.330 m2 Untergrund verfestigen; …
FI 14/24 - S.S. 64 Porrettana. Asse stradale di collegamento tra gli svincoli di Prato Est e Prato Ovest – “Declassata di Prato”. Raddoppio di Viale Leonardo da Vinci nel tratto compreso tra Via Marx e Via Nenni mediante la realizzazione di un sottopasso. S.S. 64 Porrettana. Asse stradale di …