Neubau von 4 GUWs und Erneuerung eines Bestandsunterwerkes für die Görlitzer Verkehrsbetriebe GmbH Innovierung Energieversorgungssystem Neubau von 4 GUWs und Erneuerung eines Bestandsunterwerkes für die Görlitzer Verkehrsbetriebe GmbH (GVB)
Predmetom zákazky je zhotovenie diela Transformovňa 400/110 kV Senica (ďalej len "dielo") v zmysle Prílohy č. 1 Zmluvy o dielo. Rozsah predmetu stavby je nasledovný: - demontáž prvej časti R 220 kV pre 1. etapu výstavby R 400 kV 1. etapa výstavby novej R 400 kV - polia č. 01 …
Energinet and 50 Hertz intends to establish a Supplier Qualification System (“SQS”) for the procurement of HVDC converters, HVDC- and HVAC-substations in connection to the converters. The SQS is mainly intended for interconnector and offshore wind energy related projects such as the Bornholm Energy Island project. In the following, the …
Linea AS needs to establish a qualification scheme within a number of strategically important procurement categories. Linea AS has long-term budget plans to invest over NOK 6 million in new installations, operations and maintenance in the coming decade. The qualification scheme will be applicable during the period from 01.01.2023 - …