Demolition and removal of existing residential structure and construction of a new single-storey rural dwelling for Donegal County Council at Trentaghmucklagh, St Johnston Co. Donegal. The associated site works, and services consist of the following non-exhaustive list: demolition of a fire-damaged structure, protection of existing site entrance and driveway, replacement …
Construction of a single-storey, 4-bedroom rural dwelling for Donegal County Council at Ballyliffin Co. Donegal. The associated site works and services consist of the following non-exhaustive list: formation of a new site entrance, driveway, on-site packaged wastewater treatment system, boundary fencing and landscaping. Construction of a single-storey, 4-bedroom rural dwelling …
Construction of a single-storey, 3-bedroom rural dwelling for Donegal County Council at Dunaff, Clonmany Co. Donegal. The associated site works and services consist of the following non-exhaustive list: formation of a new site entrance, driveway, on-site packaged wastewater treatment system, boundary fencing and landscaping. Construction of a single-storey, 3-bedroom rural …
Clúid Housing is seeking tenders from suitably qualified Developers and Contractors with serviced sites in suitable locations with full planning approval for residential development in Cork City and surrounds. For further details please refer to the tender documents published with this notice to tender. Clúid Housing is seeking tenders from …
Construction of a single-storey, 3-bedroom rural dwelling for Donegal County Council at Kinnea, Clonmany Co. Donegal. The associated site works and services consist of the following non-exhaustive list: formation of a new site entrance, driveway, on-site packaged wastewater treatment system, boundary fencing and landscaping. Construction of a single-storey, 3-bedroom rural …
Travaux dans le cadre du Nouveau Projet de Renouvellement Urbain du quartier de Rougemont à Sevran (93), de démolition de 73 logements et de locaux, restructuration de 42 logements de parties communes et de locaux d'activités, résidentialisation de 170 logements, deux constructions neuves de 28 et 60 logements et réalisation …
This project is being procured using a Restricted (Two-Stage) Tender procedure in accordance with the Capital Works Management Framework. The Housing Capital Unit of Kerry County Council as part of this (Stage 1) procurement for this project are inviting interested parties to submit evidence of their suitability (in Suitability Assessment …
Travaux dans le cadre du Nouveau Projet de Renouvellement Urbain du quartier de Rougemont à Sevran (93), de démolition de 73 logements et de locaux, restructuration de 42 logements de parties communes et de locaux d'activités, résidentialisation de 170 logements, deux constructions neuves de 28 et 60 logements et réalisation …
Construction de 40 logements locatifs sociaux, 37 logements en BRS, un Domicile Partagé et une Maison d'Assistantes Maternelles - Square Morbihan à Vannes Terrassement - VRD Gros œuvre Ossature bois - charpente bois - bardage bois - ITE Couverture bac acier Etanchéité Menuiseries extérieures Serrurerie Cloisons sèches - Isolation - …
Neubau eines sechsstöckigen geförderten Studentenwohnheimes mit 220 Appartements und viergruppiger Kindertagesstätte im EG, sowie einem UG mit Stellplätzen, Technik-. und Kellerräumen-öffentliche Ausschreibung der Schiebeläden Fassade Lieferung und Montage von ca. 136 Schiebeläden inkl. Schwerlastkonsolen, durchlaufende Träger- Blendenprofile, Schwerlastkonsolen und zugehörige Fugenabdichtungen.