This Dynamic Purchasing System has been prepared to provide information to economic operators participating in a public procurement process for the establishment of a Dynamic Purchasing System for the Provision of Hoists and Slings. This Dynamic Purchasing System has been prepared to provide information to economic operators participating in a …
This DPS Invitation has been prepared for the purpose of providing information to economic operators interested in participating in a public procurement process for the establishment of a Dynamic Purchasing System (hereafter the DPS) for the supply where relevant of Aids and Appliances. This DPS Invitation has been prepared for …
Ikomm AS is owned by Lillehammer, Øyer, Gausdal, Indre Østfold, Nesodden, Våler, and Østre Toten municipalities. Ikomm delivers IT services to the owner municipalities and other contracting authorities. Several other municipalities are currently in a process where the result may be that they also become owners and service recipients in …
Dit is een aankondiging van het instellen van Open House-systeem (toelatingsprocedure) voor overeenkomsten voor het leveren van Hulp bij het Huishouden in een algemene voorziening. Info:
Vienkartinės medicininės priemonės Vienkartinės medicininės priemonės
Dynamic purchasing system for entry into purchasing agreements for medical furniture for the health trusts in Norway. The dynamic procurement scheme will be established as a supplement to existing framework agreements. The scheme includes the following product categories: Psychiatry beds Intensive care beds Birthing beds Stretchers Ceiling-mounted person-lifts Stainless steel …
CPO LT vykdo Pirkimą, kurio tikslas – pirkimo sutarčių, kurių dalykas nustatytas šiuose pirkimo dokumentuose, tarp Lietuvos Respublikoje registruotų perkančiųjų organizacijų ar perkančiųjų subjektų ir tiekėjų sudarymas sukurtos DPS pagrindu. CPO LT vykdo Pirkimą, kurio tikslas – pirkimo sutarčių, kurių dalykas nustatytas pirkimo dokumentuose, tarp Lietuvos Respublikoje registruotų perkančiųjų organizacijų …
Ikomm AS is owned by Lillehammer, Øyer, Gausdal, Indre Østfold, Nesodden, Våler, and Østre Toten municipalities. Ikomm delivers IT services to the owner municipalities and other contracting authorities. Several other municipalities are currently in a process where the result may be that they also become owners and service recipients in …
The HSE wishes to establish a DPS Invitation for the supply of Aids & Appliances including product Training and Technical Support. Community Funded Schemes (CFS) are an important component of the Health Services that are provided in the community. They play an important role in ensuring that members of the …