Oslo municipality, c/o the Agency for Improvement and Development, department for procurement services (henceforth referred to as the Contracting Authority), invites tenderers to a restricted tender contest for the establishment of a dynamic purchasing system (DPS) for the procurement of light vehicles to Oslo municipality ́s entities. See the attached …
Bærum municipality invites tenderers to a restricted tender contest in connection with the establishment of a dynamic procurement scheme for the procurement of vehicles under 7.5t with associated services. Bærum municipality invites tenderers to a restricted tender contest in connection with the establishment of a dynamic procurement scheme for the …
The dynamic purchasing system shall cover the user ́s need for vehicles, either by leasing or as a car subscription. The main aim will be to cover the user ́s need for adapted vehicles. Adapted vehicles means vehicles that have adaptations beyond the standard set-up. This can, for example, be …
The procurement concerns leasing and procurement of vehicles including vehicle administration. The procurement concerns leasing and procurement of vehicles including vehicle administration for zone 1: Hallingdal which consists of the following municipalities: Flå kommuneÅl kommuneHol municipalityGol municipalityHemsedal municipalityNesbyen kommuneHallingdal fire and rescue IKS The procurement concerns leasing and procurement of …
The procurement concerns leasing and procurement of vehicles including vehicle administration. The procurement concerns leasing and procurement of vehicles including vehicle administration for zone 1: Hallingdal which consists of the following municipalities: Flå kommuneÅl kommuneHol municipalityGol municipalityHemsedal municipalityNesbyen kommuneHallingdal fire and rescue IKS The procurement concerns leasing and procurement of …
Ørland Municipality extends an invitation to a dynamic purchasing system for the procurement of cars. Click https://permalink.mercell.com/212874491.aspx. Ørland Municipality extends an invitation to a dynamic purchasing system for the procurement of cars.
KFP063F: Dynamic Purchasing System for the Provision (purchase only) of Passenger Cars and Pickup Trucks to Public Sector Bodies in Ireland