Sarpsborg municipality intends to enter into a dynamic purchasing system for the procurement of vehicles for the municipality. The municipality would like a scheme that shall cover the need for self-transport, as well as reduce climate and environmental impact. The scheme includes the following vehicles: - Minibuses up to 17 …
Système d'acquisition dynamique pour la fourniture et livraison de véhicules, engins et matériels divers neufs pour le Département de la Somme. La consultation porte sur un système d'acquisition dynamique (SAD) respectant les règles de l'appel d'offres restreint sous réserve des dispositions de l'article R.2162-38 du Code de la commande publique. …
Bærum municipality invites tenderers to a restricted tender contest in connection with the establishment of a dynamic procurement scheme for the procurement of vehicles under 7.5t with associated services. Bærum municipality invites tenderers to a restricted tender contest in connection with the establishment of a dynamic procurement scheme for the …
The dynamic purchasing system shall cover the user ́s need for vehicles, either by leasing or as a car subscription. The main aim will be to cover the user ́s need for adapted vehicles. Adapted vehicles means vehicles that have adaptations beyond the standard set-up. This can, for example, be …
HUS-yhtymä perustaa dynaamisen hankintajärjestelmän (jäljempänä DPS) sairaankuljetuksen ajoneuvojen hankkimiseen. Hankittava kalusto määritellään tarkemmin kussakin dynaamisen hankintajärjestelmän sisäisessä kilpailutuksessa. Sairaankuljetuksen ajoneuvot DPS dynaaminen hankintajärjestelmä on voimassa 31.12.2029 saakka, ellei sitä erillisellä ilmoituksella lyhennetä tai pidennetä.
The DPS is for three vehicle categories: Category A: The purchase of second-hand Multi-Purpose Vehicle (MPV) comprising six seats or more in addition to the driver’s seat. Category B: The purchase of second-hand wheelchair accessible vehicle/disabled person’s vehicle. Category C: The purchase of second-hand Panel Vans. Further information of the …
The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform (the “Contracting Authority”) is issuing this Request for Applications to Participate (“RFATP”) in a Dynamic Purchasing System (“DPS”) as a central purchasing body. The Office of Government Procurement (the “OGP”) is an office within the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform tasked with …
fourniture et livraison de véhicules, engins et matériels divers d'occasion pour le Département de la Somme. La consultation porte sur un système d'acquisition dynamique (Sad) respectant les règles de l'appel d'offres restreint sous réserve des dispositions de l'article R.2162-38 du Code de la commande publique. Le montant maximum estimatif est …
Älvkarleby kommunkoncern bjuder in leverantörer att ansöka om kvalificering för att delta i dynamiskt inköpssystem (DIS) avseende Fordon. Älvkarleby kommunkoncern bjuder in leverantörer att ansöka om kvalificering för att delta i dynamiskt inköpssystem (DIS) avseende Fordon.
The contracting authority needs future-oriented cars under 7.5 tonnes in the coming years. The contracting authority requests a contract that covers the need for cars and for ensuring regional and local guidelines for reducing the climate and environmental impact. To meet future needs in a satisfactory manner, the contracting authority …