Rahmenvereinbarung (unbefristet) zur Lieferung von BEV Fahrzeug bzw. reinen Elektrofahrzeugen inkl. Beklebung, Ausstattung des Laderaums und fahrzeugelektrischer Zusatzausrüstung siehe LB
Market Survey - Procurement of Patrol Cars Our existing frame agreement for Patrol Cars expires Spring 2027. The Norwegian Police Shared Services plan to announce tender competition for Patrol Cars in Spring 2025. The Police would like to identify both possibilities and limitations in the market and also to identify …
Market Survey - Procurement of Patrol Cars Our existing frame agreement for Patrol Cars expires Spring 2027. The Norwegian Police Shared Services plan to announce tender competition for Patrol Cars in Spring 2025. The Police would like to identify both possibilities and limitations in the market and also to identify …
Sunkiasvorės ir specialiosios paskirties transporto priemonės per CPO LT elektroninį katalogą Sunkiasvorės ir specialiosios paskirties transporto priemonės per CPO LT elektroninį katalogą
Sunkiasvorės ir specialiosios paskirties transporto priemonės. Šiukšliavežės, gaisriniai automobiliai ir kitos transporto priemonės, DPS galiojimo eigoje bus pildoma naujomis techninėmis specifikacijomis