Helse Sør-Øst, Helse Midt, and Helse Vest are looking for a replacement tool for Ivanti Workspace Control. A user environment management tool to manage and secure users workspaces across both physical and virtual environments. It ensures a consistent and personalised user experience and supports the IT administrators in their daily …
Die Stadt Weimar beabsichtigt in 2 Losen die Beschaffung gebrauchter Microsoft-Lizenzen. Ziel ist es, die erforderlichen Lizenzen für die effiziente Nutzung der Software in der Stadtverwaltung Weimar zu erwerben. 670 Stück Standard, 60 Stück Professional Plus für 192 Kerne mit zugehörigen 750 Stück User CALs; Aktivierung über bestehenden KMS-Server
Zakup subskrypcji dla produktów AutoDesk na okres 36 miesięcy Zakup subskrypcji dla produktów AutoDesk na okres 36 miesięcy
AtB invites tenderers to a market dialogue on the future mobility planning system. AtB ́s aim is that mobility planning shall be carried out much more efficiently than today, and it shall lead to better use of resources and better mobility systems for the trønders. AtB will engage in dialogue …
De aanbesteder wenst een raamovereenkomst te sluiten voor “Software Broker & SAM Consultancy”. Onderhavig aankoopdossier behelst o.a. volgende activiteiten om deze objectieven te kunnen realiseren: • Het verwerven van de benodigde software met bijhorende services. • Ondersteuning bij de operationele beheerstaken o.a. het bijhouden van een inventaris van de gekochte …
Trondheim municipality, c/o Trondheim city operations, invites tenderers to a competition for the delivery of ICT tools for management, operation and maintenance (MOM tools) for technical operations in Trondheim municipality. Further information on the procurement is in the tender documentation. The competition has previously been published under the title; "2024 …
La présente consultation concerne la fourniture et la livraison de matériels informatiques (ordinateurs portables et de bureau, écrans, tablettes, souris, clavier, switch, vidéoprojecteurs...) ainsi que celles de licences informatiques. Fourniture et livraison de matériels informatiques (ordinateurs portables et de bureau, écrans, tablettes, souris, clavier, switch, vidéoprojecteurs...) Licences informatiques
This Framework provides individual software licences for Microsoft, Adobe, VMware, other Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) software products and associated Software Services. The Framework Agreement aims to ensure access to competitively priced software solutions and related services tailored to the unique needs of the Higher Education (HE) and Further Education (FE) sectors, …
Procedura telematica aperta ex art. 71 del D. lgs. n. 36/2023 finalizzata alla fornitura di un Software di Imaging multimodale e pianificazione, neII'ambito del progetto PNRR denominato ANTHEM Procedura telematica aperta ex art. 71 del D. lgs. n. 36/2023 finalizzata alla fornitura di un Software di Imaging multimodale e pianificazione, …
Ni inbjuds härmed att inkomma med synpunkter på utkast av delar av upphandlingsdokument inför Migrationsverkets planerade upphandling av nytt system för mallhantering. Ni inbjuds härmed att inkomma med synpunkter på utkast av delar av upphandlingsdokument inför Migrationsverkets planerade upphandling av nytt system för mallhantering.