Fredrikstad and Hvaler municipalities (henceforth referred to as the contracting authority) shall procure a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. The needs this procurement shall cover are accounts, budget, wages, invoices and personnel and wages close to HR. The contracting authority currently uses Visma Enterprise.The contracting authority requests modern, efficient …
Request for information (RFI), gällande Biljett- och CRM system. Request for information (RFI), about Ticketing and CRM system Request for information (RFI), gällande Biljett- och CRM system. Request for information (RFI), about Ticketing and CRM system
Østfold University College is mapping the market in order to gain market knowledge before procuring an HRM system. A more detailed description can be found in the attached prior information notice. Østfold University College is mapping the market in order to gain market knowledge before procuring an HRM system. A …
Request for Information (RFI) Response Deadline: We would like all replies to be received by us by 22 January 2025 at the latest. Request for Information (RFI) Response Deadline: We would like all replies to be received by us by 22 January 2025 at the latest.
Karmøy and Tysvær municipalities have established a joint ICT operations company, Haugaland ICT. Haugaland IKT operates the municipalities' ERP system. The current system will be operated in cooperation with Visma. A new contract for Visma Enterprise Plus will be operated by Visma alone. Karmøy and Tysvær municipalities intend to enter …
The Communication Department at NTNU needs a market analysis tool for administering, monitoring and analysing our digital marketing for approx. 20 accounts distributed across Meta, LinkedIn, Snapchat and TikTok. A software or application that analyses data and gives us insight to measure marketing results, not an "all-inclusive" publication tool. All …
The competition is for the delivery of an ERP system that includes finances, wages, HR and procurements for the contracting authority ́s participating municipalities Strand, Suldal, Sauda and Hjelmeland, and all associated companies that the municipalities keep accounts for at any given time (e.g. Church Councils/parishes, KO, KF and IKS). …
Handelspartner für den exklusiven Bezug von Microsoft Lizenzen auf Basis des BMI-Rahmenvertrags. Der Microsoft Enterprise Agreement (EA) Vertrag in Form eines Beitritts zum Konzernvertrag zwischen dem Bundesministeriums des Innern, für Bau und Heimat und Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited (dem sog. BMI-Beitritt) der Mobil Krankenkasse endet zum 31.05.2025. Ein neuer Vertrag …
Gemeente Het Hogeland is op zoek naar een GRC-applicatie die de organisatie ondersteunt in het aantoonbaar in control zijn om haar doelstellingen effectief en efficiënt te kunnen halen. De gemeenten heeft periodiek inzicht nodig in de compliancy ten aanzien van diverse normenkaders en wil daarnaast kunnen (bij)sturen op risico's met …
Detta auktorisationssystem avser att tillgodose betalningslösningar till kommunens parkörer. Kommunens ambition är att erbjuda en plattform där det ska råda sund konkurrens och att de tjänster som erbjuds uppfyller grundläggande krav på kvalitet. I Kalmar kommun ska parkör utifrån ett urval av leverantörer erbjudas ett enkelt, snabbt och lättillgängligt sätt …