Actualización licencias SAP 2025 Actualización licencias SAP 2025
The procurement of AN ERP service for budget, accounts, invoicing, purchasing, payroll and HR. IT system for budget, accounts, invoicing, purchasing, payroll and personnel. IT system for budget, accounts, invoicing, purchasing, payroll and personnel.
Bolagsverket bjuder in anbudsgivare att lämna anbud gällande ekonomisystem som levereras on-premises. Vi avser att teckna avtal med en anbudsgivare för en period om 15 år. Vi har beslutat att inte dela upp avtalet i separata delar då uppdraget är lämpligt för en leverantör. Bolagsverket bjuder in anbudsgivare att lämna …
Upphandlingen avser ett debiteringssystem för ett VA-bolag. Systemet ska tillgodose VA uppdrag att fakturera VA-kunder. Därför bör systemet kunna hantera VA-kunder, kundanläggningar, taxor, vattenmätare, tjänster samt beställarens valda historik. Upphandlingen avser ett debiteringssystem för ett VA-bolag. Systemet ska tillgodose VA uppdrag att fakturera VA-kunder. Därför bör systemet kunna hantera VA-kunder, …
Provision of a single supplier contract for the implementation and ongoing management and support of a Customer Relationship Management cloud based Software as a Service. Provision of a single supplier contract for the implementation and ongoing management and support of a Customer Relationship Management cloud based Software as a Service.
Projekt zur Migration von MS Dynamics/Navision auf MS Business Central inklusive der notwendigen Lizenzen sowie die weitere Betreuung, Wartung, Service und Support MS Business Central - Lizenzen und Mirgration aus MS NAV 2016, Details siehe Leistungsbeschreibung
Bereitstellung von cpulohn.xpress Subscription für eine unbefristete Vertragslaufzeit Bereitstellung von cpulohn.xpress Subscription für eine unbefristete Vertragslaufzeit
Introduction: The aim of this notice is to obtain information from the market on how Nye Veier's needs can best be taken care of. The responses given in this notice are not binding for the tenderers. Nye Veier would like written responses by 07 February 2025 at 12:00. See the …
The contracting authority shall procure a modern, cloud-based Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) ERP system that shall include finance, accounts, payroll and HR. In addition the contracting authority needs to be able to outsource/purchase related accounting services such as driving wages. Norwegian standard account plan shall be used when implementing a new ERP …
The current ISY ProActive system has been decided to be discontinued and there is, therefore, a need to implement one or several procurements to cover the needs ISY ProActive solves. The project is currently a co-operation between the Agency for Water and Sewerage Services (VAV), the Fire and Rescue Agency …