Sukcesivna dobava konvencionalnih in ekoloških živil 2. sklop: SVEŽE SADJE IN ZELENJAVA IN OSTALI KMETIJSKI PRIDELKI 2a. sklop: SVEŽE SADJE IN ZELENJAVA IZ SHEM KAKOVOSTI
Szállítási szerződés az alábbi különféle élelmiszerek szállítására: 1. Tőkehúsok, húsrészek (sertés, marha) 10 400 kg 2. Húskészítmények (sertés, marha, baromfi) 13 000 kg, 4 400 db 3. Baromfihúsok, húsrészek 6 200 kg 4. Tej, tejtermékek 31 120 l, 52 100 db, 2000 doboz, 2805 kg 5. Sütőipari termékek 41 000 …
SUPPLIES OF FOODS AND BEVERIGES NABAVKA NA HRANA I PIJALOCI Purchase of bread and white pastries Nabavka na leb i beli peciva Supplies of Cereals and other grain products Nabavka na zitarici i drugi proizvodi od zito Supplies of milk and dairy Nabavka na mleko mlecni proizvodi Supplies of fresh …
Het leveren van fruit en groentesnacks op kantoorlocaties van gemeente Amsterdam. Dit kan op afroep of volgens een 'abonnement'. Het leveren van fruit en groentesnacks op kantoorlocaties van gemeente Amsterdam. Dit kan op afroep of volgens een 'abonnement'.
On behalf of the procurement cooperation between Gjesdal, Klepp, Time, Bjerkreim and Hå municipalities, Hå municipality plans to announce a competition for framework agreements for Institutional Households.The framework agreements will consist of sub-contracts 1 Groceries, 2 Fruit greens and eggs, 3 Meat and meat products, 4 Dairy products and 5. …
Procurement of food articles for the Værnes region (Frosta, Stjørdal, Meråker, Selbu, Tydal and Holtålen municipalities). The procurement shall cover the areas; Fresh fish and fish products, fruit and vegetables, red/white meat and meat products, groceries and dairy products. ESPD Painter Procurement food articles the Værnes region Part 1 - …
Pirkimo objektas – maisto produktai (šviežios daržovės, įvairios daržovės, vaisiai, apdorotos daržovės, šaldytos daržovės ir vaisiai, perdirbti įvairūs vaisiai ir daržovės) Kauno rajono ugdymo įstaigoms. Pirkimo objektas skaidomas į 6 pirkimo dalis: I pirkimo dalis – šviežios daržovės, II pirkimo dalis – įvairios daržovės, III pirkimo dalis – apdorotos daržovės, …
Αντικείμενο της σύμβασης είναι η προμήθεια τροφίμων για τη σίτιση των δικαιούχων του Κοινωνικού Παντοπωλείου του Δήμου Διονύσου και των παιδικών σταθμών και Κ.Α.Π.Η. του ΝΠΔΔ «Η ΕΣΤΙΑ». Αντικείμενο της σύμβασης είναι η προμήθεια τροφίμων για τη σίτιση των δικαιούχων του Κοινωνικού Παντοπωλείου του Δήμου Διονύσου και των παιδικών σταθμών …
School Meals provision / catering services to approx 4 schools in Kildare Wicklow area (concession and non concession, estimate May 2025). Framework or DPS for the Provision of wholesale foods to numerous Schools and Centres under KWETB. Dry goods, meat, fish, dairy, sauces, spices, herbs, convenience foods, oils, etc. (estimated …
The aim of the agreement is to cover the customer ́s need for food products for use in food production and serving in small households. This means foods in consumer pack sizes, typically equivalent pack sizes that can be purchased in-store and can be purchased in unit packages (i.e. suppliers …