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Framework agreement for the procurement and delivery of red meat, white meat and meat products
The procurement is a co-operation between Stange, Hamar, Løten and Elverum municipalities. The procurement is a co-operation between Stange, Hamar, Løten and Elverum municipalities.
CPV: 15115000 Jagnięcina i mięso owiec mięsnych, 15115100 Jagnięcina, 15115200 Owce mięsne, 15100000 Produkty zwierzęce, mięso i produkty mięsne, 15110000 Mięso, 15111000 Mięso wołowe, 15111100 Wołowina, 15111200 Cielęcina, 15113000 Wieprzowina, 15119000 Mięsa różne, 15130000 Produkty mięsne
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