The objective of the procurement is to enter into a new framework agreement for eye examinations and workplace glasses/computer glasses for the customers' employees in Mid-Norway Health Trust. The objective of the procurement is to enter into a new framework agreement for eye examinations and workplace glasses/computer glasses for the …
Aftalen omfatter indkøb af kontaktlinser, indsatser/monokler, fragmentationsbriller, tjenestebriller til brug i forbindelse med andet militært udstyr, sikkerhedsbriller, skærmbriller, samt synstest af medarbejder i forbindelse med anskaffelsen af synskorrigerende hjælpemidler. Aftalen indgås for en begrænset periode, frem til og med 31. marts 2025, hvor ny aftale forventes at blive indgået efter …
The aim of the procurement is to enter into a framework agreement that covers the municipality ́s employees ́needs for computer glasses and associated vision tests. The aim of the procurement is to enter into a framework agreement that covers the municipality ́s employees ́needs for computer glasses and associated …