El objeto del contrato consiste en los servicios de apoyo a la Dirección General de Innovación en la gestión del centro de innovación Madrid International Lab del Ayuntamiento de Madrid. Los objetivos principales del centro son: •La atracción de proyectos innovadores, especialmente los de origen extranjero. •La realización de eventos …
L'objet de la consultation est la passation d'un marché public pour une mission de conseil et d'assistance à maîtrise d'ouvrage pour la passation d'un marché public de fourniture d'un système d'information patrimonial de l'EPFIF. Conformément à l'article L. 2124-1 du code de la commande publique, la présente consultation fait l'objet …
El servicio a desarrollar consistirá en la elaboración de una serie de estudios, análisis y documentos que deberán servir a la Consellería de Economía e Industria, a través de la Dirección General de Planificación Energética y Minas, para llevar a cabo los distintos trámites que conforman el procedimiento de aprobación …
Gemeinsam mit Mitgliedsunternehmen sowie Partnern aus Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Verwaltung beteiligt sich HHM mittels der Projektabteilung an Ausschreibungen für EU- und national geförderte Projekte, in denen aktuelle Themen der Verkehrspolitik sowie Optimierungsmöglichkeiten bei Transport- und Umschlagprozessen erarbeitet werden. Hierbei involviert HHM seine Mitgliedsunternehmen in Förderanträgen und tritt als Konsortialführer in …
Åland is an autonomous and demilitarized area of Finland, situated in the Finnish southwestern archipelago, the Åland islands. Åland has its own government with the right to govern its own internal affairs.The Sunnanvind project (the Project) is initiated and led by the Government of Åland. The mission of the Project …
The services required comprise of the provision of a Security Design Consultancy services to advice the Department of Foreign Affairs on matters relating to the security of our buildings as detailed in the Scope of Services in Appendix 1of the RFT Document. The services required comprise of the provision of …
The contract awarding contract for this procurement is the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research (HI). HI is one of the largest marine research institutes in Europe with approx. 1,100 employees. Our main activities are research, consultancy and monitoring. HI merged with the National Institute for Nutrition and Seafood Research (NIFES) …
The contracting authority for this procurement is Trøndelag fylkeskommune (TRFK). The contracting authority hereby invites tenderers to an open tender contest for consultancy services within competence brokering. The contract period is 1 year in 2025. The contracting authority has the option to unilaterally require an extension of the contract for …
Åland is an autonomous and demilitarized area of Finland, situated in the Finnish southwestern archipelago, the Åland islands. Åland has its own government with the right to govern its own internal affairs.The Sunnanvind project (the Project) is initiated and led by the Government of Åland. The mission of the Project …
Servizio per la realizzazione di un’azione di sistema e di accompagnamento collegata all’attività formativa in apprendistato Servizio per la realizzazione di un’azione di sistema e di accompagnamento collegata all’attività formativa in apprendistato