Tenders are sought for the supply, delivery, installation, and calibration of Directed Energy Deposition (DED) Metal 3D Printing Equipment and any ancillaries necessary for the operation of the equipment. The equipment will be placed in the PEM Technology Gateway, which will be an excellent addition to our facilities at Atlantic …
DESCRIPTION: The Board of Management of St Clare's Comprehensive School (the contracting Authority)invites tenders("Tenders") to this call for tenders(CFT) from economic operators ("Tenderers") for the supply of goods as described in this CFT.The goods are to required to be delivered and installed to St Clare's Comprehensive School,Manorhamilton,Co Leitrim before end …
This market consultation is performed by TenneT TSO B.V (TenneT). TenneT is a leading European electricity Transmission System Operator (TSO) with its main activities in the Netherlands and Germany. With over 23,000 kilometers of high-voltage connections we ensure a secure supply of electricity to 41 million end-users. TenneT employs approximately …
Simon rakenteilla olevaan yhtenäiskouluun hankitaan teknisen työn tilojen koneet, laitteet ja varusteet toimitettuna ja asennettuna yhtenäiskoulun tiloihin tarjouspyyntöasiakirjojen mukaisesti. Koulu sijaitsee osoitteessa Sahatie 4, 95200 Simo. Yhtenäiskoulussa sijaitsee alakoulun, yläkoulun ja lukion tilat. Rakennuksen suunniteltu luovutus on syksyllä 2025. Simon rakenteilla olevaan yhtenäiskouluun hankitaan teknisen työn tilojen koneet, laitteet ja …
Helsingin kaupungin rakentamispalveluliikelaitos, Stara, pyytää tarjoustanne Viisteplasmaleikkauskoneen hankinnasta. Hankittavan tarkempi kuvaus on määritelty tarjouspyynnössä ja sen liitteissä. Hankinta tulee Staran Rakennustekniikan Konepajan metallityöosaston käyttöön. Hankinnassa on kyse tavarahankinnasta. Tilaaja valitsee Viisteplasmaleikkauskoneelle yhden toimittajan, jonka kanssa se tekee hankintasopimuksen. Helsingin kaupungin rakentamispalveluliikelaitos, Stara, pyytää tarjoustanne Viisteplasmaleikkauskoneen hankinnasta. Hankittavan tarkempi kuvaus on …
Trondheim municipality, c/o Trondheim city operations, invites tenderers to a second notice for an open tender contest for a framework agreement for tools and tool materials for the municipality's entities. The objective of the tender contest is to enter into a cost efficient and quality agreement for the procurement of …
This PIN is to notify all potential Economic Operators of the intended planned tendering requirements for January – December 2025, for Kildare Wicklow ETB. Classroom Loose Furniture for schools (estimate Feb 2025) – Lockers, tiered and bench seating, benches & presses, steel cabinets, library shelving, science tray storage, stage systems. …
De Aanbestedende dienst nodigt u hierbij uit om u in te schrijven voor de aanbesteding met referentienummer 18950159 van “De levering, inclusief transport en installatie, van één (1) stuk lasersnijmachine die aan de eisen voldoet uit het Programma van Eisen (Bijlage 2), het beschikbaar stellen van een gebruikers- en onderhoudshandboek …
Försvarsmakten bedriver verksamhet inom ett antal olika områden där Markverkstaden i Boden har ett behov av att anskaffa 1 st fabriksny 5-axlig vertikal CNC-Fräs. Försvarsmakten bedriver verksamhet inom ett antal olika områden där Markverkstaden i Boden har ett behov av att anskaffa 1 st fabriksny 5-axlig vertikal CNC-Fräs.
Achizitie „Masina cu comandă numerică în 5 axe” Termenul pentru solicitarea de clarificări: până în a 18-a zi înainte de termenul limită de depunere a ofertelor. Autoritatea contractantă va răspunde la clarificări: până în a 11-a zi înainte de termenul limită de depunere a ofertelor. Achizitie „Masina cu comandă numerică …