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IWA Network Products, Solutions and Associated Services 2024
IWA is seeking tenders to support our existing and future ICT network infrastructure implementation. IWA locations may require structured cabling and network components to be repaired, upgraded or deployed. Location size, layout, cabling and equipment requirements differ per site. IWA locations can range in size. IWA locations can range from …
CPV: 48820000 Serwery, 48821000 Serwery sieciowe, 48822000 Serwery komputerowe, 48823000 Serwery plików, 48825000 Serwery WWW, 50312610 Konserwacja sprzętu technologii informacji, 50312620 Naprawa sprzętu technologii informacji, 72222300 Usługi w zakresie technologii informacji, 72223000 Usługi w zakresie wymogów technologii informacji, 72267100 Konserwacja oprogramowania technologii informacji, 72267200 Naprawa oprogramowania technologii informacji
Procurement of services for maintenance and upgrading of information equipment for electronic surveillance during execution of house arrest or parole for the needs of the Administration for the Execution of Sanctions for a period of one year
Procurement of services for maintenance and upgrading of information equipment for electronic surveillance during execution of house arrest or parole for the needs of the Administration for the Execution of Sanctions for a period of one year Procurement of services for maintenance and upgrading of information equipment for electronic surveillance …
CPV: 50312600 Konserwacja i naprawa sprzętu technologii informacji, 50312620 Naprawa sprzętu technologii informacji
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