Transport and forwarding services throughout the entire Norway Transport and forwarding services throughout the entire Norway
Prestation de collecte, de remise, d'affranchissement et de distribution de courrier et colis Prestation afin de réaliser une collecte et une remise du courrier auprès des établissement de l'OFII, ainsi qu'un affranchissement et une distribution du courrier collecté. Prestation de collecte, de remise, d'affranchissement et de distribution de colis
Provision Of Courier Services For The Delivery Of Packed Animal Tissues/Products And Feeds To The Czech Republic, Italy And Netherlands Within 24 Hours For The NVL with AHWD Provision Of Courier Services For The Delivery Of Packed Animal Tissues/Products And Feeds To The Czech Republic, Italy And Netherlands Within 24 …
The Chief State Solicitors Office (“the Client”) is issuing this request for tenders (“RFT”) to DPS Members (“Tenderers”) for the purposes of conducting a second stage competition (“ Competition”) under DPS Category 1 Island of Ireland Courier Services of the DPS Agreement for the provision of Courier Services Contract Greater …
Töövõimetoetuse kojukande teenuse tellimine. Täpsem kirjeldus on toodud hankelepingu eseme tehnilises kirjelduses. Töövõimetoetuse kojukande teenuse tellimine. Täpsem kirjeldus on toodud hankelepingu eseme tehnilises kirjelduses.
The Contracting Authority invites requests to participate (“Applications”) from economic operators (“Candidates”) for appointment to a DPS for the provision of the services described in Appendix 1 to this RFATP (the “Services”). In summary, the Services comprise: The provision of Courier Services on the Island of Ireland and International Courier …