Tirf-mikroskop Tirf-mikroskop
A dedicated high spatial resolution Scanning Auger Microscope system is to be acquired by Department of Materials Science and Engineering, the Ångström Laboratory at Uppsala University. A dedicated high spatial resolution Scanning Auger Microscope system is to be acquired by Department of Materials Science and Engineering, the Ångström Laboratory at …
Im Zuge der erfolgreichen Einwerbung eines Forschungsgroßgeräts nach Art. 91b GG bei der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft durch die Arbeitsgruppen Lienau / Nilius soll ein "Special Low-Temperature SPM Type LT-STMAFM-CE" beschafft werden. Die Arbeitsgruppen Lienau / Nilius haben einen neuartigen Ansatz zur räumlich und zeitlich höchstaufgelösten optischen Spektroskopie entwickelt. Dieser besteht darin, …
Umeå University procures one (1) Brillouin microscope for connection to existing system (zeiss). Umeå University procures one (1) Brillouin microscope for connection to existing system (zeiss).
Componenta C15 Educație din cadrul PNRR abordează creșterea capacității de reziliență a sistemului educațional prin modernizarea infrastructurii educaționale și a dotării aferente, în corelare cu nevoile prezente și viitoare ale pieței forței de muncă, în vederea asigurării participării la un proces educațional de calitate, modern si incluziv. In cadrul componentei …
The prequalification specifications include a summary of the creation of SDU’s Dynamic Purchasing System regarding the purchase of research and laboratory equipment including the conditions for applying for admission to the system.The Dynamic Purchasing System is divided into 7 categories, for which the Applicants who meet the qualification requirements are …
Region Östergötland inbjuder härmed, enligt 8 kap. 4 § lagen (2016:1145) om offentlig upphandling, LOU, in till att ansöka om att delta i dynamiskt inköpssystem (fortsättningsvis DIS) gällande inköp av operationsmikroskop. Region Östergötland inbjuder härmed, enligt 8 kap. 4 § lagen (2016:1145) om offentlig upphandling, LOU, in till att ansöka …