Försvarsmakten har för avsikt att upphandla ett bassortiment av möbler till bland annat arbetsplats, lunchrum, möten, utbildning, logement, hemmamiljö och utemöbler. Möblerna ska levereras hopmonterade till anvisad plats alternativt monteras på plats. Upphandlingen omfattar även köp av möbler och tillbehör från övrigt sortiment inom de anbudsområden som anges nedan och …
Möblierung lose Möblierung (Bestuhlung, Tische, Garderobe, Nebenraum, Büro, Sonstiges); Stundenlohnarbeiten
Clúíd Housing is seeking tenders from suitably qualified for the supply, delivery and installation of office equipment. Clúíd Housing intends to establish Single Party Framework Agreements with the most economically advantageous Tenderer for each Lot on foot of the initial contract. Further details in relation to the competition, specification and …
Trondheim municipality shall enter into a new framework agreement for new furniture and would like, in addition, to enter into framework agreements for used furniture and redesign and repairs of furniture. A market dialogue will be held friday 7th of February in the auditorium Trondheim, on the 1st floor in …
Atlantic Technological University invites Prequalification Applications in relation to the establishment of a single party framework for the supply, delivery, installation and repair of furniture for Atlantic Technological University. The successful operator will accept full responsibility for the delivery of the goods/services to all ATU Locations. • ATU Galway City …
Stavanger municipality invites tenderers to a competition for a framework agreement for the purchase and delivery of used furniture. Three tenderers shall be awarded, which will be awarded assignments in prioritised order during the agreement period. Stavanger municipality invites tenderers to a competition for a framework agreement for the purchase …
A nationwide framework agreement shall be signed for the Norwegian Customs, hereafter called the Contracting Authority, within the agreement area office furniture and fixtures. The aim is to procure furniture that covers the contracting authority ́s continual need for the delivery of office furniture and fixtures and that is at …
Clúíd Housing is seeking tenders from suitably qualified for the supply, delivery and installation of office equipment. Clúíd Housing intends to establish Single Party Framework Agreements with the most economically advantageous Tenderer for each Lot on foot of the initial contract. Further details in relation to the competition, specification and …
Lieferung von Mobiliar für Zusatzräume (sechs verschiedene Raumtypen) zur Ausstattung der städtischen Büroarbeitsplätze gemäss den Vorgaben von «worksmart@zürich». Lieferung von Mobiliar für Zusatzräume (sechs verschiedene Raumtypen) zur Ausstattung der städtischen Büroarbeitsplätze gemäss den Vorgaben von «worksmart@zürich». Lieferung von Mobiliar für Zusatzräume (sechs verschiedene Raumtypen) zur Ausstattung der städtischen Büroarbeitsplätze gemäss …
Ausschreibungspaket für die lose Möblierung eines 4-geschossigen Landratsamtes, mit Einzel-, Doppel- und Mehrpersonenbüros sowie Besprechungs-, Sonderräumen und Kantine. Die Ausschreibung ist in zwei Lose aufgeteilt. Die beiden Losen haben jeweils spezifische Konstruktionsmerkmale und Ausschlusskriterien. Dies beinhaltet: - 630 Stühle Büro - 326 Stühle Besprechung - 248 Stühle Kantine Innen / …