Teagasc invites tenders for the Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of a Pilot / Lab Scale Air Classification System that is capable of performing grinding and classification processes for food based ingredients and fractions for research and development in the agri-food sector. The proposed system must be operable by one …
Teagasc invites tenders for the Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of a Spray Drying Unit that is capable of performing spray drying processes for food based ingredients and fractions for research and development in the agri-food sector. The unit must be operable by one person and must allow for effective …
Item 1: 2 Basket Autoclave, 6 baskets, 6 trollies, autoclave layer pads x180, to include installation, training and start up support. Including spare parts package, sliding installation plates, for display. Item 2: Cutter mixing bowl cutter, 5UL capacity, specify cutting speed 40-5000 rpm, and mixing speed 9/18 rpm, management software, …
Kemi-Tornionlaakson koulutuskuntayhtymä Lappia on toteuttajana Lapin liiton rahoittamassa Investoinnit: Kestävää kasvua paikallisista raaka-aineista hankkeessa (hankekoodi J11053). Lapin liitto on hyväksynyt hankkeen rahoitettavaksi ja myöntänyt hankkeen toteuttamiseen Oikeudenmukaisen siirtymän rahastosta (JTF) tukea alueiden kehittämisen ja Euroopan unionin alue- ja rakennepolitiikan hankkeiden rahoittamisesta (757/2021) annetun lain nojalla. Hankinnan kohteena on hankesuunnitelman mukaisesti …