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Fluxgate magnetometar sa 7 senzora i modularnim proširivim kolicima Fluxgate magnetometar sa 7 senzora i modularnim proširivim kolicima
CPV: 38260000 Magnetometryczne przyrządy geofizyczne
Acquisition and processing of 120 Magnetotelluric sites near Antrim town, Northern Ireland for Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies
The Dublin Institute of advanced Studies proposes to award a contract for the acquisition of approximately 120 magnetotelluric (MT) soundings near Antrim town in Northern Ireland. The successful tenderer will assist DIAS in geophysical (Magnetotelluric, MT) data acquisition, including site scouting, MT data processing and reporting. A full detail of …
CPV: 38200000 Przyrządy geologiczne i geofizyczne, 38230000 Elektromagnetyczne przyrządy geofizyczne, 38260000 Magnetometryczne przyrządy geofizyczne
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