Aquisição de Licenciamento - Suite de Produtividade e Colaboração do SNS Aquisição de Licenciamento - Suite de Produtividade e Colaboração do SNS
Se upphandlingsdokumenten. Se upphandlingsdokumenten.
Verkehrszeichenerfassung im Rahmen des Projektes Rahmenvereinbarung zur Erfassung und Bereitstellung aktueller 3D-Panoramabildern des Kölner Straßenraums für die Jahre 2022 bis 2025 CPV-Nummer 71332000-4, 38221000-0 Projekt 3D-Panoramabilder; Neuerfassung Verkehrszeichen
Udbuddet vedrører den fremtidige drift, vedligeholdelse og support af By & Havns it-miljø. By & Havn har i dag ca. 160 brugere og ca. 40 it-systemer. En del af disse systemer leveres fra By & Havns egen it-funktion i samarbejde med en ekstern leverandør, mens andre systemer leveres som "Software …
The HSE seeks a suitably qualified service provider to implement a single National Acute Stroke Imagery Analysis and Decision support software solution (Acute Stroke IADS) for the interpretation of the non-contrast CT, multiphase CT angiogram and perfusion imaging to assist in the rapid diagnosis of an acute ischaemic stroke. The …
Avviso di preinformazione servizi anno 2025 Servizio di pulizia, igiene ambientale e fornitura di materiale igienico sanitario, disinfestazione e cura del verde per le sedi di ACI Informatica Accordo quadro per SIA-Servizi di ingegneria Facility Management Impianti Servizi infrastruttura Cloud ACI Informatica Imperva - Manutenzione apparati Web Application Firewall Noleggio …
Appel à candidature relatif à l'exploitation, la maintenance applicative et le développement du progiciel "Intra'Know". Appel à candidature relatif à l'exploitation, la maintenance applicative et le développement du progiciel "Intra'Know".
Suministro y servicio de gestión y mantenimiento de Licencias Campus Microsoft para la Universidad de La Laguna. Suministro y servicio de gestión y mantenimiento de Licencias Campus Microsoft para la Universidad de La Laguna.
The IPA has recently completed a restructuring process, including the incorporation of two established training brands from its parent department into its extensive range of services. As part of its current corporate strategy, the IPA plans to significantly expand its services further. The IPA website is thus no longer fit …
The aim of this notice is to enter into a framework agreement with a tenderer who can ensure that users can, if needed, call-off assistance within Kaba. The aim of this notice is to enter into a framework agreement with a tenderer who can ensure that users can, if needed, …