Az alábbi eszközök beszerzése a Pécsi Tudományegyetem részére: - Extrakciós robot - Nagy kapacitású, 96 minta egyidejű mérésére alkalmas, hatcsatornás (öt szín és egy FRET csatorna) valós idejű PCR eszköz, pontos hőmérséklet-szabályozással, érzékeny, megbízható detektálással - Centrifuga a BSL-4-es laboratóriumba rotorokkal - Álló kivitelű -80°C-os Ultra mélyfagyasztó - Álló kivitelű …
Produsele ce urmeaza a fi achizitionate, respectiv: „Achizitie scule si unelte: Lot 1 – Generator cu putere 100KVA- (2buc.) Lot 9 – Remorca semnalizare- (32buc.)” este necesara pentru o buna functionare parcului auto din cadrul DRDP Bucuresti A. Conform art. 160 alin. 1 din Legea 98/2016, termenul limita pana la …
Ce marché public concerne la fourniture de groupes électrogènes et de fournitures auxiliaires de diverses capacités pour répondre à une large gamme de besoins opérationnels. Le marché est divisé en quatre lots, avec des fournitures pour tous les lots qui seront livrées à divers endroits dans les oblasts de Kyiv …
Procurement of magnet power supplies <120 W used in all accelerators at the MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University. Procurement of magnet power supplies <120 W used in all accelerators at the MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University. Procurement of magnet power supplies <120 W used in all accelerators at the MAX …
Procurement of magnet power supplies >120 W used in all accelerators at the MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University. Procurement of magnet power supplies >120 W used in all accelerators at the MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University. Procurement of magnet power supplies >120 W used in all accelerators at the MAX …
Entitatea contractantă intenționează să încheie un acord-cadru având ca obiect Materiale necesare desfasurarii activitatii cu forte proprii, programate si neprogramate, din cadrul S.N.T.G.N. Transgaz S.A (Exploatari Teritoriale, Sucursala Medias, Departamente, Directii si sedii administrative) a) numărul maxim de operatori economici care vor fi parte a acordului-cadru ce urmează să fie …
Sujeto a regulación armonizada de obras Sistemas de alimentación ininterrumpida para cargas TI
diverse Generatoren der Größen 16 - 400 kW in verschiedenen Losen diverse Generatoren der Größen 16 - 400 kW in verschiedenen Losen diverse Generatoren der Größen 16 - 400 kW in verschiedenen Losen diverse Generatoren der Größen 16 - 400 kW in verschiedenen Losen diverse Generatoren der Größen 16 - …
The subject of this contract is the provision of a power back-up system for various water and wastewater pumping stations of the Water Services Corporation, which includes the supply, delivery, positioning, testing, and commissioning of silent Diesel Generators and ancillary equipment to be followed by a ten (10) year service …
Stavanger municipality would like, via this competition, to enter into 2 framework agreements for the hire of lifts, mini excavators and other machines/equipment for use in their own service production. Supplier ranked as number one will always be requested first. If the equipment is not available, the supplier ranked as …