Nabava MOV motorjev za 2025 Nabava MOV motorjev za 2025
The subject of this tender is to implement two full-size frequency converters (FC) at the Čierny Váh PSPP to enable variable speed operation of turbine and pump including extension of power control range in turbine operation and enabling power control in pump operation. The subject of this tender is to …
Lieferung Transformatoren 16 kV Lieferung Transformatoren 16 kV
Zentrale Ova Spin Zentrale Ova Spin
Předmětem plnění veřejné zakázky je dodávka systému magnetronového naprašování, vč. software a příslušenství. Systém musí být navržen pro magnetronové naprašování (i reaktivní) tenkých filmů (s tloušťkami min ~ 5nm) kovů, kovových slitin, oxidů kovů, nitridů kovů, vícevrstevnatých systémů, na substráty s velikostí v průměru minimálně 4" s prostorovou homogenitou naprašovaných …
Obiectul contractului il reprezinta achizitionarea de "Statie principala de conexiuni putere instalata 1800 kVA". Cantitatea estimata necesara este de 1 bucata. Avand in vedere faptul ca obiectul principal al contractului este achizitionarea de "Statie principala de conexiuni putere instalata 1800 kVA" tipul de contract propus este contract de furnizare in …
Gara 0000039241 - Appalto Integrato per la realizzazione di Impianti Compensatori Sincroni (ICS) da 250 MVAr da installare presso esistenti Stazioni Elettriche della Rete di Trasmissione Nazionale LOTTO 1 - Appalto Integrato per la realizzazione di Impianti Compensatori Sincroni (ICS) da 250 MVAr da installare presso esistenti Stazioni Elettriche della …
The subject of this tender is to supply two new synchronous MotorGenerators (MG) capable of operating at variable speeds, each of which will be fed by a full-size frequency converter. Overall, this involves the modernization of two existing ternary units (TG1 and TG2) to enable variable speed operation with the …
Fornitura, montaggio e messa in servizio di un trasformatore trifase da 63 MVA - YNd11 - 150/16.4 kV - presso la nuova sottostazione AT/MT AIL Muzzano. Vedi documentazione capitolato d'appalto. Fornitura, montaggio e messa in servizio di un trasformatore trifase da 63 MVA - YNd11 - 150/16.4 kV - presso …
Notice of Magnet Joint Qualification System (JQS), a portal for supplier qualification and which is used by buyer organisations and all operators in the energy industry to search for, assess and qualify suppliers in accordance with their respective qualification and procurement requirements. Magnet JQS is operated by Offshore Qualific,, …