The subject of this tender is the provision of facilities maintenance and upgrading services including but not limited to the hereunder services on an “as and when required basis” as may be requested by the Contracting Authority: - Plumbing and drainage installations and repairs (including but not limited to PPR …
Fourniture de mâts, de crosses, de luminaires (et de projecteurs) et d'accessoires d'éclairage public Fourniture de mâts et crosses d'éclairage public sur le territoire du département du DOUBS. Lot mono-attributaire avec un seul titulaire Fourniture de luminaires et de projecteurs d'éclairage public sur le territoire du département du DOUBS. Lot …
The Norwegian Parliament Administration needs to enter into a framework agreement for white goods and small electronics. The goods shall mainly go to the Norwegian Parliament ́s commuter residences. The Norwegian Parliament Administration needs to enter into a framework agreement for white goods and small electronics. The goods shall mainly …
Stiftelsen Tradebroker ("Tradebroker") is responsible for the execution of this procurement. Tradebroker currently represents 85 large and medium sized Norwegian companies in the public and private sector. Tradebrokers public member companies are subject to the Act 16 July 2016 no. 73 on public procurements ("LOA") and regulations 12 August 2016 …
Обектът на обществената поръчка е „доставка на стоки, осъществявана чрез покупка“ съгласно смисъла на чл. 3, ал. 1, т. 2 от Закона за обществените поръчки (ЗОП) и има за предмет сключване на договор за доставка и покупка на арматура за АС проводници, съгласно условията и изискванията на възложителя. Всяко заинтересовано …
Trondheim municipality, c/o Trondheim city operations, invites tenderers to a second notice for an open tender contest for a framework agreement for tools and tool materials for the municipality's entities. The objective of the tender contest is to enter into a cost efficient and quality agreement for the procurement of …
Hangitakse Eesti Draamateatri energiasäästlik valgustehnika. Hangitakse LED liikuvpead. Hangitakse konventsionaalsed LED- ja hääletud profiil-tüüpi liikuvpea valgustid. Hangitakse toiteseadmed. Hangitakse signaaliedastuseadmed.
1. Przedmiotem zamówienia jest dostawa fabrycznie nowych narzędzi, sprzętu i materiałów elektrycznych w ramach projektu "Utworzenie i funkcjonowanie Branżowego Centrum Umiejętności (BCU) w dziedzinie elektryki przy Centrum Placówek Kształcenia Zawodowego we Wrocławiu” (zwanych dalej „asortymentem”) – w podziale na 15 zadań: 1) Zadanie 1 – dostawa materiałów z dziedziny elektryki …
Upphandling av ramavtal för elektronikkomponenter och mätutrustning för Lunds universitets verksamheter. Upphandling av ramavtal för elektronikkomponenter och mätutrustning för Lunds universitets verksamheter. Upphandling av ramavtal för elektronikkomponenter och mätutrustning för Lunds universitets verksamheter.
Zavedení dynamického nákupního systému, který není rozdělen na kategorie. Předmětem veřejných zakázek zadávaných v DNS budou dodávky standardních náhradních dílů pro autobusy a trolejbusy, jak je v podrobnostech uvedeno níže. Cílem zadavatele je disponovat okruhem dodavatelů, kteří budou schopni v reakci na jeho aktuální potřeby plnit předmět dílčích veřejných zakázek, …