The Design, Manufacturing and Delivery of Pump Systems for the Primary Cooling System of the PALLAS Project in Petten (NL) The Design, Manufacturing and Delivery of Pump Systems for the Primary Cooling System of the PALLAS Project in Petten (NL)
The Manufacturing and Delivery of the Plate Heat Exchangers for the Primary Cooling System of the PALLAS Project in Petten (NL) The Manufacturing and Delivery of the Plate Heat Exchangers for the Primary Cooling System of the PALLAS Project in Petten (NL)
Ložiská ako náhradné diely pre pohony Havarijnej regulačnej kazety (ďalej aj ako "HRK") sú súčasťou reaktorov VVER 440 V-213. Prostredníctvom pohonov HRK je zabezpečená regulácia výkonu reaktora a zároveň je to akčný člen ochrán reaktora. Pohon zabezpečuje spúšťanie, reguláciu výkonu , kompenzáciu prebytočnej reaktivity a zastavenie reaktora tým, že spúšťa …
The Design, Manufacturing and Delivery of two Decay Tanks and a Heavy Water Storage Tank for the PALLAS Project in Petten (NL). The Design, Manufacturing and Delivery of two Decay Tanks and a Heavy Water Storage Tank for the PALLAS Project in Petten (NL).
The Manufacturing and Delivery of the Reactor Pool, Service Pool, Transfer Canal and Isolation Gate for the PALLAS Project in Petten The Manufacturing and Delivery of the Reactor Pool, Service Pool, Transfer Canal and Isolation Gate for the PALLAS Project in Petten