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The subject matter of this procurement is a framework agreement that will ensure the needs of the Swedish Police Authority on a national basis. The framework agreement includes the provision of footwear. The subject matter of this procurement is a framework agreement that will ensure the needs of the Swedish …
CPV: 18000000 Odzież, obuwie, artykuły bagażowe i dodatki, 18800000 Obuwie, 18810000 Obuwie inne niż sportowe oraz ochronne, 18830000 Obuwie ochronne, 18840000 Części obuwia, 35200000 Sprzęt policyjny
The subject matter of this procurement is a framework agreement that will ensure the needs of the Swedish Police Authority on a national basis. The framework agreement includes the provision of footwear. The subject matter of this procurement is a framework agreement that will ensure the needs of the Swedish …
CPV: 18000000 Odzież, obuwie, artykuły bagażowe i dodatki, 18800000 Obuwie, 18810000 Obuwie inne niż sportowe oraz ochronne, 18830000 Obuwie ochronne, 18840000 Części obuwia, 35200000 Sprzęt policyjny
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